40 Health and Wellness Social Media Post Ideas for Niche Bloggers

The best health and wellness social media post ideas for beginner bloggers include healthy recipes, infographics, video posts, blog excerpts, news posts, photo posts, weekend tips and dos and don’ts posts.

There are varieties of ways to structure and schedule your social media marketing posts for a health and wellness niche blog in order to achieve the desired maximum impact.

In this post, I will share with you some actionable ideas you can implement to take your health and wellness social media marketing posts to a whole new level.

Do the following sound like you?

Have you of late been asking yourself questions such as the following?

What should I post on Instagram about health?

Which type of health and fitness post is best for social media?

Are you finding it hard to figure out how to design your social media posts to promote your health and wellness blog so as to connect more with your audience?

Maybe you have just found out that wellness social media posts are a good strategy to increase website traffic or even build your email list.

But, somehow, you don’t know how to go about sharing your health and wellness ideas in posts on social media so as to achieve your blog marketing goals.

Well, I’ve got good news for you. I’m here to show you some of the most basic but very effective social media post ideas for beginner bloggers in the health and wellness niche.

So if you are ready to check out these wellness social media post ideas then keep reading.

Benefits of Social Media Posts

The below benefits of social media marketing posts for a health and wellness blogger are the reasons why you need to take this marketing strategy seriously.

  • It leads to more engagement with your group.
  • With effective social media posts, you can reach out to a wider audience. And that quickly translates into attracting more visitors to your wellness niche site.
  • It is a tool for building a solid email list.
  • Wellness social media posts generate interest and can make a wellness post go viral.
  • They are a cheaper way of achieving blog marketing goals.
  • Conversion rates could get better. It gets more interesting if you consistently share social media posts with both potential and existing customers on your health and wellness niche blog.

Best Social Media Platforms for Wellness Niche Bloggers

So now you know the benefits of social media posts. Let’s quickly find out some critical social media platforms bloggers like you are using to spread their message.




Tik Tok


Essential Factors to Consider in the Design of Health-Related Social Media Posts

Here now comes the considerations you need to bear in mind when trying to come up with the most impactful wellness social media posts to support your niche blog marketing efforts.


The length of the post matters. Make it as brief as possible but make sure your message is effectively delivered.

200+ Health and Wellness Sub-Niches for Beginner Bloggers

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Frequency and Regularity

Have a predictable and regular schedule for posting on social media. Is it weekly or every three days? Make sure not to allow for long intervals. On the other side, you may get mediocre and overwhelmed if you burden yourself with too much to do every week.

Time for Posting

When do you think is the most appropriate time to publish your wellness ideas on social media? Depending on the type of audience you want to attract, find out if it is best to post in the morning, evenings or at weekends, for example.

Post Format

Decide the format your wellness social media posts would take. Is it going to be more video and less text or vice versa? Would you prefer images or infographics?

Type of Content

What I mean by the type of content to publish for a health and wellness social media post is what specific ideas are you going to share? Is it breaking news, tips, dos and don’ts, article excerpts or reports from a case study?

Trust me, by the time you finish brainstorming your social media post content ideas, you will have finished half of the task. Because this is at the core of the whole exercise of social media marketing for a wellness blog.

Content Ideas for Effective Social Media Posting

It is now time to have the list of social media post ideas for your wellness blog. You will realize that the ideas below are based on the considerations we’ve been looking at.

80+ Fitness Blog Niche Ideas for Beginners

Top 6 Categories for An Entertainment Blog

Healthy recipes

Video posts

Blog excerpts

News posts

Photo posts

Weekend tips

Dos and donts

Daily tips

Photo posts

Story posts



Recommendation posts

Client spotlight posts or case study posts


Useful links sharing

Article posts

Re-share posts

Retweet posts

Brand shout-out posts

Inspirational posts about wellness

Wow fact posts

How-to posts

Special events

Salute to healthcare practitioners

Health news


Health quizzes and challenges

Best practices in personal hygiene

Health products and pricing


Organic foods images

Healthy lifestyle benefits

Preventive health ideas

First aid tips

Winter health tips

Summer health tips

Holiday health tips

Mental health tips

Updates on current health issues

To wrap it up

The above list is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to health and wellness social media post ideas for bloggers and other content creators.

You might as well want to explore other possible wellness social media post ideas if none of the above aligns with your specific goals. Make sure to choose only what works for you and post in that area consistently.

These simple on-page SEO tips will add to your ability to increase pageview on your new blog.

I will also recommend that you find out how to start and grow a profitable blog in any niche of your choice.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching and best bloggers life choices. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream and a fulfilling life as a digital entrepreneur.

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