80+ Fitness Blog Niche Ideas for Beginners

There are ways to quickly identify fitness blog niche ideas that are not too different from uncovering ideas in other niches. However, much of this micro-niche or sub-niche identification skill comes with practice and experience, no matter what kind of niche you started.

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This is why, today I can show you potentially profitable fitness blog niche ideas that many others may not have taken seriously yet. So if you’re searching for great niche blog topics for beginners, you can count on me to give you some really great stuff.

Are you ready to check out my list of micro-niches and sub-niches in fitness? Then keep reading.

Popular Fitness Blog Topics

In case you didn’t know, here are some popular sub-niches in fitness: stretch marks, hair loss, weight loss, bodybuilding, weightlifting, personal training, Yoga, fitness equipment, skincare, functional fitness, anti-ageing and extreme sports.

The problem with the above niches is three-fold

  • Some are too broad
  • Many come with excessive competition the reason being that they are touted as being among the most profitable fitness topics.
  • Your personal experience, interest or professional training may not fall under any one of them but you still want to blog about fitness in some way.

So what do you do about this? You simply have to be innovative enough. There are ways to dig out underserved topics that are very much related to the fitness niche and which may prove to be the right fit for you.

Now, sit back and relax as I furnish you with some exciting niche ideas for your dream fitness blog.

Finding Innovative Ideas for a Fitness Niche Blog

The reality today is that most fitness sub-niches are becoming saturated. The competition is getting stiffer and stiffer among blogs in the most popular fitness sub-niches.

This is why beginners interested in making a name for themselves in fitness blogging must think out of the box. It is better to try something a bit different but with the potential for success.

In this post, I will first identify the first set of sub-niches in fitness blogging. Some of these are relatively low-competition, sub-niches.

Beyond that, I will give you an additional list of the more popular sub-niches in fitness. My goal is to give you a good number of sub-niches in fitness. They will help you to make the right choices as you build your own fitness blog for success.

We will start by explaining what a fitness niche blog does.

What is a fitness blog?

Typically, a fitness blog exists to publish content that is meant to help anyone interested in improving their physical, emotional and mental fitness to achieve the desired results. Therefore, a fitness blogger might as well be a content creator with an eye on showing the way to persons who wish to pursue a career in the fitness niche market.

On the whole, the publisher of a fitness niche blog possesses a set of specialized skills and knowledge in at least one of the many sub-niches in fitness. Such a person is passionate about sharing their fitness ideas with an online audience.

Usually, visitors to a fitness website are interested in learning and applying the necessary fitness-related methodologies and tools to their everyday lives or careers.

Best Fitness Sub-Niche Ideas

Now that you know what we mean by a fitness niche blog, it is time to find out the best fitness niche ideas that can help any serious blogger make a living out of their niche blogging business.

By the time we are through with this, you will have a good idea about what you must be posting on your own niche blog.

Additionally, you will have a fair idea of how to monetize your fitness blog with some popular fitness website monetization ideas.

Let’s dive in.

1. Weight Loss

One of the most popular sub-niches in fitness is Weight Loss. There is an ever-growing audience for weight loss blogs, podcasts and YouTube channels.

Bloggers in the Weight Loss sub-niche are principally into personal training, coaching, weight loss advice and video training.

For most of these fitness bloggers, the easiest monetization methods are display ads and affiliate marketing. In most cases, they promote fitness courses, fitness apps, books and equipment.

2. Weight Loss for a Particular Gender (Women, Men etc)

Some weight loss sub-niche bloggers are happy to niche further down and concentrate on a particular gender group. In fact, for a lot of these micro-niche blogs in the broader weight loss space, this approach is working just fine.

You too might decide to narrow down your focus by creating content that satisfies the needs of women or men only.

Regardless of what audience you choose, the same monetization methods should work for you. The ways to begin monetizing your weight loss niche blog are affiliate marketing, sponsorship deals and display ads.

As time goes on, the situation will determine additional that you can use to increase your blog revenue.

3. Weight Loss for a Given Age Group

Yet another smart way to choose from the best sub-niches in fitness out there is to write for persons within a certain age range.

You will realize that older people tend to care more about their fitness in general, and body weight in particular, than younger people.

The opportunities to make a living out of a fitness blog dedicated to weight loss among the over 40s and over 50s are endless.

But don’t forget. It is also possible to make a huge impact by producing content that addresses the many obesity issues that a growing number of Millennials, teens, Gen Z and Gen Y people are grappling with today.

4. Fitness Equipment

Do you own a shop that deals in fitness equipment? Maybe you once worked for a company whose main product line is all about fitness kits, tools and accessories.

You can easily use this wealth of experience to start a profitable fitness niche blog.

5. Home Gym

If you have specialized knowledge about setting up and managing a private home gym, this sub-niche in fitness blogging might just be a great choice for you.

You will have the opportunity to help individuals and families establish their own fitness and workout environments.

6. Goal-Based Training

The purpose of blogging in the Goal-Based Training sub-niche is to give support to website visitors and clients who want to apply selected fitness training regimes to achieve specific personal goals.

It is left to you to decide which particular goals you want to focus on. Because it is going to be tough trying to achieve all fitness goals for everyone.

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Ideas to consider here include skin toning training, joint pain relief and anti-ageing formulas.

7. Weightlifting

Are you a weightlifting enthusiast? Have you ever participated in a weightlifting contest? Here, too, your wealth of knowledge and experience can help a lot of people who are online right now, eagerly searching for the best weightlifting ideas and tools.

Again, weightlifting is one of those popular sub-niches that are not too difficult to monetize.

Promote affiliate products that are related to the weightlifting industry and start making a decent online income.

When you join high-earning display ad platforms like Ezoic, your weightlifting niche blog could just be on its way to becoming your main source of income and career satisfaction.

8. Games that Promote Mental and Physical Fitness

What do you know about popular games that promote fitness of the mind and the body?

Are you passionate about Chess? What of the latest indoor games such as Nintendo Switch Ring Fit Adventure, Wii Fit, Zombies Run and Pokemon Go?

According toGamesradar.com, indoor games like Just Dance 2020 and Zumba Burn It Up are among the best fitness games today.

This is an area worth exploring if you wish to do something special with your fitness niche blog.

9. Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness is the kind of fitness training that prepares the body for regular everyday activities such as lifting, squatting, reaching, pulling and stretching.

These are the normal routine movements that people make at home, at home and in sports.

Functional Fitness is also known as functional movement or functional training.

You may decide to become a personal trainer in this fitness blogging category.

10. Fitness Apps

Consider creating a niche blog that focuses on fitness apps for running, swimming, biking, workouts, steps and the like.

Examples of fitness apps to blog about are Strava, Nike Run Club and Daily Yoga.

A blog about fitness apps stands a good chance of success where the blogger is passionate about technology and software. All it takes to succeed is to combine this with a keen interest in matters relating to health and fitness.

You can then teach your audience about the best free and premium fitness apps on the market, how to use fitness apps to improve physical and mental health as well as how to profit from these fitness apps.

11. Fitness Clothing

I seriously believe that blogging about fitness clothing can be a smart choice among the numerous sub-niches in fitness.

The reason is that the majority of fitness niche bloggers only look at the subject in terms of fitness practices such as workouts, meal planning, running and so on. So the competition in the business-related fitness area is relatively low.

If you have sound knowledge about clothing in the fitness industry, this might just be the right fit for you.

Possible blog categories to pay attention to are products, stores, designers, best prices, etc.

12. Careers in Fitness

Compared to the others, not too many fitness bloggers think much about careers in fitness. But you and I know that just as school leavers with other academic backgrounds are desperately looking for jobs and career advancement, so are persons with PE degrees and diplomas.

Therein again lies the opportunity.

Simply start typing inside Google’s search bar a simple phrase like ‘fitness jobs …’ and see what comes up.

Apart from fitness, is your other love employment or small business matters? You will do well combining your love for fitness with careers and come up with one of the most profitable niche blogs of our time.

Caregiving is just one of those fitness-related careers to blog about.

13. Personal Finance and Fitness

Is there anything to say about personal finance and fitness combined? I definitely think so.

One effective way to tackle this sub-niche in fitness is to determine how personal finance and fitness are related.

Are you aware that our financial health affects our mental and physical well-being? Get to live with an empty pocket for a couple of days and you’ll quickly realize where I’m coming from.

With a bit of creativity, there is no end to the blog posts anyone can write on the relationship between personal finance and fitness. Just take a look.

  • Top 5 Ways Exercise Can Help Improve Personal Finance Skills
  • How Your Savings Account Will Affect Your Mental Health
  • The Role of Insurance in Reducing /Combating Stress-Related Illnesses

A word of caution though. Make sure to do your search analysis well. Then, as part of your content strategy, write to satisfy the search intent of your audience.

14. Fitness Courses

Besides your love for anything that has to do with health and fitness, do you also have a passion for education and training? Remember that self-improvement is at the core of all fitness topics.

You can create your own fitness course and turn its subject matter into a niche blog.

Another creative angle is to simply promote other people’s fitness courses through your fitness niche blog.

At Alison, for example, there are many free health and fitness courses to promote as affiliate products for an extra passive income stream.

15. Eating Disorders         

Are you a practising or retired dietician? Maybe you’ve had a personal experience working to overcome a particular eating disorder.

You will do well by sharing your expertise or life lessons about dealing with and treating eating disorders for better health.

16. Fitness Clubs

Educate your readers who prefer to do their workouts in groups rather than go solo. Show them where they can find and join the nearest fitness clubs.

You can provide a ton of information on Fitness Clubs if you keep doing your homework well.

Blog about any subscription-based fitness clubs online or offline. Write about the special-purpose fitness clubs in your state or in a nearby state.

Another interesting area to consider is how to start a fitness club in one’s locality either for profit or for free.

17. Music, Dance and Fitness

For those with the right knowledge, Music Dance and Fitness will surely be a wise choice to make among the sub-niches in fitness we have been looking at so far.

Find a way to add dance forms that promote body and mental fitness to your outdoor or indoor fitness training sessions.

18. Fitness Coach Trainer

Why don’t you create a blog that allows you to become a trainer of aspiring fitness coaches? Your superior knowledge, experience and understanding of the fitness coaching industry will be of immense value to anyone who needs your kind of skills.

You can emulate the example of The Personal Trainer Development Center (aka theptdc.com). All you want to do under this fitness sub-niche is to offer training and expert advice to aspiring personal trainers.

19. Extreme Sports

In the US, for example, the most popular extreme sports include inline skating, skateboarding and Paintball.

Other examples of extreme sports for a fitness niche blog are Mountain Boarding, Parasailing and Kitesurfing.

You can find more examples of Extreme Sports on ActiveCities.com.

20. Fitness News and Trends   

A background in journalism or a sheer personal zeal to go fitness news-hunting can help anyone launch a successful fitness blog.

The difference here is this. While other news websites are competing over political stories and celebrities in showbiz, for example, you will be writing news stories about the latest developments in the fitness industry.

There is so much to blog about here. Talk of the latest apps, inventions, fitness fashion trends, competitions, designers, prices, discount deals and a lot more.

You must not forget the negative news too. Can you get a scoop on the trending scandals or threats to fitness practitioners? Your audience will love you for the variety in your fitness news menu.

22. Technology and Fitness            

Technology has brought a lot of positive changes in our lives. But at the same time, technology has not spared bloggers, developers, software engineers and other professionals the scourge of back pains, bad posture, eye problems and stress-related illnesses like depression.

With some technical knowledge about the impact of technology on human health and fitness, an aspiring blogger should do well with this sub-niche in fitness.

23. Spiritual Fitness

More and more people are looking for answers to questions that affect their spiritual well-being. Well, spiritual fitness, in a way, can impact the overall fitness of the human body, right?

So if you are the type of person who loves all things spiritual, this should be one niche worth considering.

24. Fitness for a More Specific Demographic

You can tailor your fitness sub-niche blog to serve the needs of sub-groups such as students, pregnant women, working moms, lactating mothers, people recovering from an illness, busy fathers and so on.

In this case, you will need to define the scope within which you wish to stay. Select the areas of fitness you can handle properly and start creating your fitness content around those topics only.

For example, if you wish to serve the fitness needs of pregnant women, you may consider restricting your blog content to the following fitness topics only.

  • Best Pregnancy Exercises
  • Walking
  • Butt Press
  • Step Back
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Strength Training
  • Low-impact Aerobics

25. Fitness Dos and Don’ts

Did you know that a simple dos and don’ts blog can be one of the best sub-niches in fitness for any serious blogger? So how should one go about a dos and don’ts blog in the fitness niche?

It is up to you to select either a handful or all of the sub-niches in this article and keep publishing content on as many fitness best practices and bad practices as you can.

There are lots of both helpful and counterproductive practices among fitness trainees, trainers, patients, and professionals alike.

26. Fitness Products

There is a good chance to build a profitable affiliate marketing business from the sub-niches in fitness.

Niche down, focus on a product or two that you are very familiar with and start blogging about it.

Add your expert advice and show your readers where to get the best products and deals.

27. Fitness Websites (or Content Curation).

This is what you might call a fitness blog about other fitness niche blogs.

When you decide to curate content from other fitness blogs, you will be showing visitors to your website glimpses of what other fitness bloggers are saying.

The idea is that while you might generate significant interest in your curated content, you will also be showing internet surfers the direction to more detailed and expert articles on the same topics if they so wish to find out.

Just be careful you do not fall foul of any plagiarism rules.

Moreover, it is ethically wrong to copy verbatim the product of a fellow blogger’s sweat and toil and present it as your own. Period

Additional Fitness Blog Niche Ideas

In the beginning, I promised you a second list of more sub-niches in fitness. Now you can have them.

Emotional Health Therapy

Fitness Competitions/Tournaments

The Downside of Fitness Programs

Fitness Interviews (Funny or Serious)

The History of Fitness

Debunking Fitness Myths

Fitness Medication

Antenatal Care

Post Natal Exercise

Back and Neck Pain

Mental Health and Fitness

Joint Pain



Personal Trainer

Online Fitness Training                 


Health Coach


Hair Loss

Skin Care



Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss

Fitness Books

Best Gyms



Anti Ageing

Muscle Building

Fitness Trivia

Family Fitness

Fitness for Motorists

Fitness After Illness or Injury

Career Woman Fitness

Personality Profiles/Fitness Celebrities

Fitness Business Startup Advice

Personal Coach/Personal Training

Fitness Niche SEO

Fitness Technology


Fitness Blog Marketing

Fitness Niche Monetization

Affiliate Marketing and Fitness

Network Marketing and Fitness

Indoor Fitness

Social Media and Fitness

Outdoor Exercise


Fitness for Older People

History of Fitness

Fitness Q and A

Fitness School/Course (Structured Lessons)                 

Baby Fitness

Parting Words             

So tell me, which fitness blog niche ideas fascinate you the most? What two micro-niches do you think can be brought together to create an unbeatable content strategy for your blog?

The truth is publishing blog articles under at least one of the above fitness niche topics can be a fulfilling experience. If done properly, it can also be a most profitable undertaking. To beat the competition, you must give your fitness niche blog your unique personal touch.


Do not be afraid to experiment with innovative ideas when your search analysis shows a ready audience waiting for your special kind of fitness blog content.

But if for some reason you are not convinced about your chances in the fitness niche, you can still try others like finance, entertainment or technology. Blogging about relationships, education or sports might also interest you.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream.

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