What is BttM (Blogging to the Max)?

BttM or Blogging to the Max is the place where I share my tough blogging lessons and self-publishing tips with complete beginners and pros alike.

I also provide professional blog writing services with other digital content creators. Our SEO content is tailored to make sure that your website and business are visible on Google and other search engines

Allow me to use the tough lessons I learned when I started as a beginner blogger years ago to assist you in starting or growing your own blogging or self-publishing small business.

Trust me; chances are that you’re going to be making some bad choices the same way I did before I finally began to get a lot of things right.

These bad choices are what I call my basic blogging mistakes. But don’t be deceived, the mistakes I made were so basic yet so damaging to the life of any new blog.

Over here, you can learn as much as you need to know about effective blog writing for a steady flow of online passive income.

These lessons make it possible for me and my team to produce engaging articles for our clients around the clock.

Learn How to Make Money By Writing Online

Do you hope to make money blogging from where you are in the world? Maybe, you’re like me who grew up with only one dream – to become a published author. Well, becoming an income-earning digital publisher in any country is not that easy. Let no one deceive you. But it’s entirely possible.

So if you’re someone from Africa, Asia or Latin America with the dream of becoming an online content creator and marketer then I need just a tiny slice of your attention here. Because that, I believe, should be enough.

And if you’re in North America, Europe, or Oceania, BloggingtotheMax is sure to give you the valuable blog writing lessons and services you’re looking for.

There are challenges to overcome.

Besides the bad choices, the roadblocks we face as bloggers are just there waiting for us. You can’t avoid seeing them. But the good news is you can still survive and even make it big despite these challenges.

For some of us, the majority of the challenges we face have to do with factors like the stiff competition coming from established blogs (in saturated niches) from developed countries (US, UK, EU, Australia, and Canada) the low-income status of less developed economies, international payment roadblocks, relatively low levels of internet penetration, and widespread digital illiteracy in our home countries.

The above will affect, among others, your traffic volume, the sale of your products and services online, and the amount of income you will make online.

I will share my personal experiences with you.

Being a professional teacher, I’ve chosen to teach you the lessons I’ve learnt the hard way since I started blogging as an amateur in 2017 and as a professional two years later. A great deal of these lessons and tips will focus on topics under educational blogging.

Are you a teacher or a student who has always nursed the idea of sharing your knowledge online with other students and teachers? Welcome home.

This, then, is what BloggingtotheMax is basically about. It is your FREE online beginner blogger resource. This is where you will learn practical blogging and self-publishing business lessons from someone who writes online for a living.

Learning from my own digital publishing triumphs and tribulations, and those of other successful (and not-so-successful) online entrepreneurs out there is a surefire way to quicken your own steps towards success as a full-time or part-time blogger.

My Passion is Self-Employment

I’ve always cherished the idea of working for myself in an area that I truly enjoy and earning enough passive income in the process to take care of my needs.


This is what brought me to blogging (aka online writing and publishing; aka content marketing; aka digital publishing, aka infopreneurship).

You can view my book on becoming self-employed in leading online bookstores.

Just to let you know

I’ve been trained to do nothing but teach. Once, I taught offline. Today, I teach online, mostly. And my primary teaching mediums are my blogs and books.

My main online education blog is Cegast Academy. You may want to check that one out if you’re interested in lifelong learning as a means to personal development.

So I’ve found a way to combine the powers of my training and my raw talent to get the results I need for my minimalist lifestyle.


By the way, minimalism has nothing to do with cheap living. It’s more about purposeful living that rejects burdening yourself with things you don’t need to have your type of “good life”. No other person should decide that for you.

How it all started

The journey began around March 2016 when I took the decision to teach myself all I needed to know about Information and Communication Technology. Because it is something that fascinates me a lot!

Then I chanced upon the mention of an online publishing platform. That discovery is what has changed my life in ways I could only dream about previously. This online publishing platform is no other than WordPress.

I quickly jumped on board and published my first blog post the next day. That was on FREE WordPress.com. But, when the power went out in the process, and I couldn’t easily find my post, I got discouraged and gave up. Yes, I did.

But, true to my nature, I got back in no time.

Later, I found Google’s BLOGGER platform and played around with it a little. But it didn’t excite me the way WordPress did. So, during May, June, and July of 2017 I committed myself to learn WordPress properly.

A certain Lorelle’s WordPress School helped me a lot. It was my main resource. I also gleaned blogging insights from blogging greats like Blog Tyrant, John Morrow, and Chris Lema.

I must also not forget the inspiration I got from the likes of Yuwanda Black’s Inkwell Editorial, Yaro Starak, Harsh Agrawal (ShoutMeLoud), Raelyn Tan, byRegina and many others.

But I stuck around with the FREE WordPress.com platform for at least one more year. Then came early 2019 when taking inspiration from the amazing performance of my blog on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and a surge in both direct and organic traffic, I switched over to a self-hosted WordPress.org site.

The rest is still history in the making.

I’m currently writing a book in which I show you how I finally began to make money as a blogger and self-published author.

The Blogging School

All the blogging and WordPress lessons I teach complete beginners here are derived from the knowledge and skills I’ve gathered from the years of experience I’ve described above.

Other Digital Publishing Services

Apart from teaching you to become an income-earning blogger, I sell products and services related to blogging and content marketing.

In fact, I’m a self-publishing author and I sell my books both on my websites and popular online bookstores across the globe. So trust me to give you some valuable self-publishing tips for beginner indie authors.

Here at BloggingtotheMax, I have a category devoted entirely to self-publishing.

Wish to become a professional blogger in Ghana or anywhere in the world?

Anyone can earn a decent living from a blogging career in Ghana. Many others and I have done it. And so can you.

Start your journey into a fulfilling and satisfying career in digital publishing and internet entrepreneurship by learning something here today.

My lessons and services will assist you on your journey to becoming a career blogger and profit-earning online entrepreneur.

Thank you for coming to Blogging to the Max!

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