Google HCU Recovery: Why My Visitors Keep Ignoring The Updates

A surprising development I observed inside my education website’s Google Analytics and Google Search Console statistics has left me very much convinced that Google HCU recovery is not rocket science after all. I’ve found that there is a certain way to make a blog’s loyal visitors doggedly search for its content wherever Google HCU might have pushed it down the SERPs. They will look till they find your site’s name or that one specific content, click on it and move straight to what they know is the most helpful content to satisfy their needs. I’m writing this post to explain to anyone who wants to find a less complex way to achieve Google HCU (or any subsequent algorithm update) recovery to their satisfaction. Do not get me wrong, though. There is little chance any blog can recover 100 per cent from Google’s recent ‘helpful’ content update in the short term. But it is possible to ensure that this algorithm update does not obliterate your traffic and you can start clawing back much of what has been lost.

Google Helpful Content Update Casualties

The March 2024 Google’s Helpful Content Update came and left a long line of content-creator casualties. The last time, I saw a video of a top YouTuber in which they said they were hanging their gloves. The main reason stated had nothing to do with the rampages of Google’s Helpful Content Update.

After watching that video, I started to ask myself: Could Google’s infamous HCU have something to do with this guy quitting?

Look, the casualty numbers are staggering, to say the least. And the choice of victims has been so vast, so indiscriminate and mostly incomprehensible.

Well, only Google knows what they are doing.

Ad revenues have been hit badly.

When you look at all this from the perspective of the level of ad revenue, which depends almost entirely on the traffic volume coming to your site, it is easy to conclude that blogging for the sake of making money via display ads is on the floor at this moment.

Who can tell what may happen after all this storm is over? By that time, many bloggers who couldn’t recover from Google HCU may have left the scene making the competition less stiff.

Can you see the possible opportunities for those who refuse to quit in this frustrating time? Well, that’s how things always work each time difficult moments come in every area of human endeavour. Keep this in mind and be careful not to quit in a hurry.

Humans know what is good for them better than bots.

On Cegast Academy, my education website, the same readers Google claims to be protecting or satisfying have started saying they know better. They are better placed to determine what content is good for them so they should be left alone. Across this website, the traffic numbers have started going up significantly.

What this means is that human beings keep visiting the website pages even if Google is not showing those pages to them at the top of the search result pages.

Interesting Tug of War at Cegast Academy

So this is how my avid readers won’t let Google’s HCU stop them from seeing and reading my content however hard Google may try to come on my innocent blog. It’s like a tug of war between that HCU and what my human readers consider helpful content for their needs.

To explain further, Google has made it difficult for students, teachers and parents to access a significant portion of the content on my educational blog. However, the website is experiencing significant Google HCU recovery mainly because these HUMANS have simply chosen to take matters into their own hands. They simply love what they find and learn at Cegast Academy.

And they won’t let Google’s ‘Helpful’ Content Update stop them.

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It’s all about the search queries.

How do I know? Well, since the coming of the HCU, the number of internet surfers searching for the search query ‘cegast academy’ has skyrocketed. Yes, my people are reprimanding Google for what it is doing.

How can robots or random human beings tell readers what is helpful to them? So if Google won’t readily show them where to find Cegast Academy’s free study notes, learning tools, practice tests and a lot more, they will type in ‘cegast academy’ to go find their cherished test prep tips, tools and resources.

Why is this happening?

Simple. I try as much as possible to tailor every piece of content I write to the needs of my students. I also make sure parents and teachers are not left out.

At Cegast Academy, the focus has always been on helping serious high school students excel in their WAEC/WASSCE General Arts subjects. I do whatever it takes to publish hyper-focused tutorials. These have already brought success to thousands of my offline students since 2001. And they continue to produce the same results for visitors to the website. And the word of mouth marketing becomes a matter of course.

Now you know why Cegast Academy is so valuable to students and teachers that it can recover significantly from the initial huge traffic losses at the onset of Google’s helpful content update.

So blogging is not dead?

Tell me, are you losing interest in creating more content due to what is happening right now? Are you beginning to buy the hoax that blogging or internet content creation is dead?

Then you might as well believe that the internet itself is dead and buried. Now if you can’t believe the second one, then don’t fall for the first.

Content creation aka blogging and vlogging are the bedrock of the internet. Without content, there will be no internet the way we know it. These digital marketing industry statistics say it all.

Blogs filled with valuable, helpful content are among the most effective ways to market any kind of business today. And this holds true for both online and traditional brick-and-mortar businesses alike. Indeed, most blogs are no longer making much in terms of display ad revenue in these trying times. But they are still the most valuable marketing tool for savvy entrepreneurs.

You cannot afford to stop publishing valuable and helpful content unless you’ve lost interest in increasing your brand’s visibility.

Final Thoughts

Going by what I have seen with the behaviour of visitors to my educational blog, I can authoritatively tell you that all you need is to be sure you are truly serving the needs of your target audience. In that case, they will look for your blog and find it even if Google for reasons best known to it decides to bury it underground.

Do you still need assistance to keep attracting customers to your blog and business? We are here to help you. Contact us so we can start working on any content marketing need you want addressed.

Till then, let’s keep blogging to the max!

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching and best bloggers life choices. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream and a fulfilling life as a digital entrepreneur.

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