What Happens if a Business Doesn’t Have a Website

If any business doesn’t have a website in today’s digital economy it stands the danger of finding it hard to cope with the competition. This is basically because a website with a blog is currently one of the most valuable marketing channels out there.

My idea of what I call Cyberspace Homelessness is the situation where an individual or business is without a website. When a business doesn’t have a website, it can face challenges that no one would have imagined a few decades ago.

The disadvantages of not having a website are so bad that it is becoming a rarity these days to see a thriving business that doesn’t have a website.

The simple truth is that a website is the only place you can confidently call your small business’s home on the internet. Therefore, going by simple logic, you and your business are practically homeless in cyberspace where you still haven’t got your own personal or business website or blog.

It remains a personal choice

Does a small business need to have a website? I think the simplest answer is, it depends.

This is not to imply that there is anything wrong with your decision or inability to own a website. The cost and the technical issues involved alone can be a disincentive for many who would therefore take not having a website as a better option.

Yet still, perhaps … just perhaps … if you get to know what you are losing if your small business doesn’t have a website or blog at this moment in time you may change your mind. You are very likely to take the necessary steps to get a website for your small business asap.

I want to use this post to help you know what happens if a business doesn’t have a website today. My hope is that your awareness of what it means if a business doesn’t have a website may help you to take action to begin to build a business website you will be proud of.

1. No point of reference

A website or blog automatically gives your small business an address or what is called your website’s URL.

Without a website, the business effectively has no internet address, so to speak. It will, therefore, be difficult for you to proudly point to a place for people to look for you.

Forget about social media profiles. When it comes to really serious business transactions, people would want to know if you have a website and how functional that website is.

You don’t want to look like an amateur when dealing with prospective clients and partners. This is one reason a business website may just be the right personal goal for you and your business.

2. Your authority will be questioned.

Another disturbing disadvantage, if a business doesn’t have a website at this time, is that it makes others question your authority over any topic or product you present to them.

You can decide to do all the fantastic or crazy things on Facebook, WhatsApp, or Instagram. But no one really cares especially if you want people to regard you as a professional or an expert in a certain field.

Give them your website address and you have already won them over. The reason for this is that, now, they know they can go and hear your voice, read your articles and ebooks, watch your videos and also ascertain the level and quality of your following.

All these and a lot more are what will establish your authority and credibility on any subject you may choose to write about.

See Also:

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3. You can’t rent advertisement space on the web.

When a business doesn’t have a website, it will be losing out big time on extra passive income that comes from the sale of advertisement space, for example.

Let me let you in on a secret you may never have heard before: A website with a blog is the new real estate business in town. And it is making loads of real passive income for those who take blogging seriously.

When you become a self-hosting website owner, you will have assumed almost the same capabilities and rights as a landlord on mother earth.

With a working blog to go, you too can rent (or sell) advertisement space to other businesses. You will collect your preferred rent and pocket it all.

You may have to pay a little “property rate” to your web hosting company, though. But I think that is something to be expected. Without a website, forget about making money this way out there in cyberspace.

FYI. Any time you take the decision to own a website, do not forget to contact me. I help people like you all the time to become the proud owners of amazing WorPress websites. You do not need to spend a fortune to achieve this.

4. You cannot operate a shop online.

How can you do so when you own no “plot” or space on the internet? Because this is what it practically means when a business doesn’t have a website or blog.

The first step to take to become an online retailer or wholesaler is to own some kind of shopping space on the internet. One of the easiest options available to any wannabe online shop owner is to go for a self-hosted WordPress.org website.

With a free plugin called Woocommerce installed, you too can now become an online businessman or woman. From day one, you will begin selling any goods or services you have chosen to deal in.

There are proper payment systems in place as well as the basic administrative processes to enable your e-store to run without much effort from you.

Another good news is that you do not even need to know anything about coding or computer programming in order to own and manage a website or e-commerce business.

As you can see, a business that doesn’t have a website or blog cannot seriously sell much online.

5. Nowhere to run to in times of danger.

It is more difficult to stay away from cyber-criminals if a business doesn’t have a website but still makes itself noticeable online in places like social media platforms.

You and I know that the internet is fast becoming a really dangerous jungle. Wicked people with evil intentions have invaded cyberspace.

No, this is not the beginning of a movie storyline. I am talking about reality as you and I have come to know it.

Social media is no longer safe. Day in day out, we hear stories of people who have been duped, conned, defrauded, and verbally or emotionally abused online.

Without a website, there is nowhere for you to hide. The only respite for the wounded and the hounded is to begin to disguise their identity. Some simply pack, bag and baggage, leaving the internet for good to seek refuge in the comforting arms of their real lives.

Now if you have a self-hosted website and you are no longer happy on Facebook, for example, you simply immerse yourself in your website activities while still remaining an inhabitant of the internet.

This is not to say that we do not face our own threats on these websites. We do.

But there are some really powerful tools there that make it much easier for us to reduce significantly the unacceptable levels of harassment, identity theft and fraud that have come to characterize life on social media, in particular.

6. Wasted efforts …

A business that doesn’t have a website may be promoting its products on social media with minimal ROI.

How long was the lifespan of that awesome post you released on Facebook last night? Will your followers be able to notice it today or in a few hours from now? We both know the answer.

This is exactly what happens to all your online publishing and marketing efforts when your small business doesn’t have a website. I think it is one of the most painful outcomes of not having a website for a business.

With a website, whatever you put there will remain in the view of your followers for as long as you want.

In the happy event that you have a money-making blog running, that content will keep giving you repeated passive income till eternity. I am not exaggerating.

7. A life without structure and direction.

This is one of the main reasons I finally chose to own a website. I want to know where I am with my online life today and where I want to be tomorrow.

It is difficult to do that when all you have is a couple of social media profiles.

A website gives you structure for what you want to do. You set your own goals, create your own systems and decide what goes and what comes. To put it simply, you have a good measure of control over your internet life.

Final words …

Though it is not like a walk in the park to create and manage your own website, I still believe it is doable for anybody who has the desire.

Knowledge about coding is not a requirement for getting your self-hosted WordPress website. With a little help from folks like me, you too can become a proud owner of your website. Unless, of course, you still think the disadvantages of not having a website for your business aren’t compelling enough to move you to take action.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream.

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