The Best 7 Tyler Perry Success Secrets

I had the shock of my life during my search for some Tyler Perry success secrets.

You see, before this stunning revelation I’m about to tell you, I’d always associated the name Tyler Perry with the no-nonsense, very loud matriarchal character in the TV sitcom called Madea.

It is an understatement to tell you I simply enjoy the series. I can even watch one episode just after typing this post for you. I’ve also learnt that this American is a very successful actor – going by Hollywood standards.

So what is the shocking experience I had while I searched for the Tyler Perry success secrets?

Well, I wanted to find out the success principles that have guided this Hollywood actor in Madea to such massive success. I was keen to know how this WOMAN became the 7th richest actor in the world.

I think now you know my problem. The Tyler Perry behind the fast-talking, hilarious Madea is actually a MAN!

Wow! What a phenomenal talent!

I saw the photo of a man and my mind quickly went to the shape of the mouth of Madea. Then I saw “Tyler Perry”. Then the shocking revelation.

This guy is the one who so elegantly portrays the female character Madea. Well, dude, wherever you are right now, I doff my hat for you.

So now, there was no doubt in my mind that there could only be the best success secrets to learn from Tyler Perry.

I got them and I want you too to know. Because these Tyler Perry success rules are going to help you up your personal growth game.

Now let’s have the Tyler Perry success secrets you must never ignore.

1. Become your best self

Work hard to become an expert in what you do. As we strive for a purpose-driven life for personal growth, a key factor we must keep in mind always is to strive for personal excellence.

Like Tyler Perry, we each have a special talent the Creator has endowed us with. We must identify our unique personal qualities and keep on sharpening them.

One way to become your best self is to keep learning new things. Another is to focus on only those skills and consistently employ them in our chosen career.

2. Challenge the mainstream way of thinking

Rather than try to go the way everyone else is moving with a certain activity, question the status quo. Ask yourself: Could there be a different way of going about it for greater results?

Do not get intimidated by people who would quickly tell you “That is not the way it is done.”

Because there is no particular way it must be done. If there were, the free-thinking creative people of the world wouldn’t have continued to invent new methods, gadgets, apps and so on and so forth. Strive to be one of those few.

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3. Be a student of life

Among Tyler Perry’s success secrets, this one stands tall. Consider the whole of life as a learning enterprise.

For every situation that comes your way, there are valuable lessons to be learnt. Identify the lessons in the challenges you face. Use them to change course if need be.

And make sure you correct the mistakes.

Also, do not get carried away by your high marks. Instead, with sober reflection, find out why you made them happen. Then let the lessons lead you on to greater accomplishments.

4. Love working

Laziness is the great-grandparent of poverty.

To become successful in your chosen field, you must be willing to pay the price. And more importantly, work, for you, must be something enjoyable.

This is why it is always recommended that we choose the kind of work that we love doing.

Personally, what makes me easily tired isn’t work.

It is sitting or lying down or standing in one place just to talk, talk and talk.

Small talk, in particular, drains my energy very quickly. Give me my work, and I’m happy to be at it till only hunger pangs flag me down. What about you?

5. Have fun while at it

This is a simple but key point among the Tyler Perry success rules I found. Life is too short to be taken too seriously. We must have fun while we work for success.

Success, they say, is a journey, not a destination. So while you are engaged in your activities to achieve your life goals, never forget to have as much fun as possible.

Laugh at yourself whenever you mess up. Reward yourself and your team for even the tiniest bit of achievement. Eat well and eat healthy.

Never forget to have great entertainment. Make time to enjoy the things that make you truly happy.

After all, these are the reasons we set out to lead ourselves to a much higher standard of living in the first place.

6. Never despise small beginnings

If you wait to have it all before you start something worth doing with your life, you might end up waiting forever.

Sad to say, most people still haven’t mastered how to dream big and make it a reality because they despise small beginnings.

The multitudes are quick to tell us that it takes money to make money. But hey, what I’ve learnt from the Tyler Perry success rules is that what we really need to succeed is not money.

Your mind and the abundant blessings of the universe all around you are there to help you kick-start your journey to whatever you call success.

You can see that these are free to take. So stop waiting for that big break. Use your brainpower.

Harness the “insignificant” personal assets the Universe has blessed you with. Then start small, take consistent action and see the magic unfold in your life.

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7. Have faith

Tyler Perry taught me to keep in mind that everything that happens to me can work for my benefit in the long run. Even the seemingly devastating ones.

And that applies to you as well.

Having an abiding faith in one’s ability to succeed despite setbacks is what makes the difference between the winners and the quitters.

And when everyone else has stopped giving you a dog’s chance, remember you only have one cheerleader left. That is you.

Know that when you keep getting a certain idea or vision, it means the Universe itself has already placed inside you the tools that will make you manifest them.

So, all you need to do is to keep trusting and keep working at it.

Which one of these Tyler Perry success rules resonates with you most? You can find more intentional living and personal growth ideas on this site to help you lead yourself to realize all those big dreams you’ve always had.

Remember to keep the dreams big- all the time.

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