
12 Reasons to Stop Living to Impress Others: Start Living Intentionally

The reasons why you need to stop living to impress others are that such a change in behaviour will make you lead a more purposeful life, build genuine relationships, improve your self-esteem and achieve financial stability. Living to impress others is a common trap that many fall into. It can lead to stress, anxiety, and […]

22 Bible Verses About Controlling Your Thoughts

You can find some good Bible verses about controlling your thoughts in the books of Proverbs, Psalms, Corinthians, Romans and Philippians. Are you searching for the best Bible verses about controlling your mind and thoughts? Maybe you want to know what the scriptures say about controlling our thoughts for a life based on God’s purpose. […]

17 Common Causes of Indecisiveness and How to Overcome Them

The major causes of indecisiveness are the fear of making mistakes, overthinking an issue, perfectionism, insufficient information and the need to conform to social and other external pressures. In this post, I will share with you the root causes of indecisiveness and what anyone can do to overcome being indecisive most of the time. So […]

15 Amazing Benefits of Being Decisive in Life

The benefits of being decisive in life include greater effectiveness and a sense of control over your own life. Decisiveness is an important skill in different areas of our lives such as career advancement, health and well-being and personal relationships, Indeed, being decisive allows individuals to navigate challenges and pursue their goals with confidence. The […]

11 Simple Ways to Be Intentional About Your Career

The steps to becoming intentional about your career include defining your career goals, assessing your strengths and weaknesses, taking decisive action and being prepared to adapt in the face of any changes or challenges. In this post, we will discuss the various steps anyone can take to become more intentional about their career. So if […]

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