How I Find Paid Work Abroad Without A Work Visa

Did you know that Ghana (or whichever country you’re from) is the easiest place to get a work visa? What if I told you that the country with the most job opportunities for foreigners is not the US, Germany, Australia or Canada but Ghana (or your own country)? What this means is today, anyone in Ghana can work abroad without a work visa.

Let me explain.

The Era of Remote Work

You see, today it is no longer necessary to travel abroad to find paid work abroad. People are finding job opportunities for foreigners from Ghana and other countries without a work visa. They live in their home countries but work remotely and get paid just like they would have if they were residents in those countries.

I and many other bloggers you encounter online are self-declared self-employed teacher bloggers. For those of us working from Ghana, Nigeria, and other parts of the developing world, it was a revolutionary choice we made some time in the past that has brought us this far.

We chose to work abroad but insisted on not travelling abroad to find a job that would pay us in hard foreign currency such as the USD and the EURO.

And I share this miracle of being able to literally work and earn our income from places like the US, Canada, Australia and so on while living in our home countries with visitors to this site.

A Smart Route to Finding Paid Work Abroad

BloggingtotheMax is where I share valuable secrets about working abroad without travelling abroad. I mean you and I becoming global citizens with equal access to opportunities like everyone else anywhere, working in a worldwide economy with full rights and obligations.

Did you know that one sure way to earn foreign currency without ever travelling abroad is to work abroad without ever setting foot in a foreign country?

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Yes. Today, people (both young and old) have found a way to work abroad and earn hard foreign currency such as the US dollar and the Euro while they live in the comfort of their homes in Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania.

Profitable Remote Work Opportunities

Here is an interesting fact. There is work for practically everyone online. Your educational background is not a barrier to finding work abroad without a work visa.

With a reasonable level of literacy, anyone can find an income-generating job online.

Discover popular remote work opportunities helping people like you to earn a good income in foreign currency while living in their home countries.

  • Freelance Writing
  • Graphic Design
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Copywriting
  • Self-Publishing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Web Design
  • Social Media Manager
  • Programming

What if you don’t have much technical knowledge?

Do not be dismayed. I will also give you enough to learn about the simple, easy-to-follow technical aspects of working and earning an income online as a global citizen.

Verifiable work-abroad-from-home ideas.

I work and earn my entire income with big tech companies based in the US with branches spread all over the world. So I make money from Canada, the US, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Australia and other developed countries.

Just as I do, you too can live in Ghana and earn some money from Nigeria, India, Pakistan a the Philippines and countries whose names you may never have heard before.

So how is it possible that I earn all my income abroad but live in Ghana? And why can you also earn foreign income whether you are living in Nigeria, Uganda, Pakistan, Togo, South Africa or Egypt?

These are some of the questions I try as much as possible to provide helpful answers to.

Inspiration for Online Entrepreneurship

I trust that you will find inspiration here to become an online entrepreneur and avoid taking unnecessary risks to travel abroad. Trust me, you can make good money in US dollars or Euros from your base in Ghana or any corner of the world.

The fascinating aspect of working abroad without travelling abroad is that it doesn’t cost much to start your online business.

Why am I doing this?

Well, my primary objective is to help as many people as possible reconsider their decision to use any means to migrate to Europe and the US in particular even when such a journey is fraught with many dangers.

Sometimes it is better to remain in your country but still work to earn money abroad.

That is if the overriding purpose for wanting to put your life at risk by forcing yourself to travel abroad, come what may, is just to better your economic circumstances.

We have become global citizens.

Gone are the days when our thoughts, our dreams, our education and our actions are restricted by national borders and geographical barriers.

Today, we have become members of one large global community acting in a limitless cloud economy. All thanks to technological advancement. And this has made it possible for one to live in one country and act in another.

Today, you and I can assert our basic human rights and achieve the kind of life we want. Here are a few areas where you and I as global citizens can innovate, flourish and blossom like never before.

Education, scholarship and self-improvement

Economic empowerment

Employment and job creation

Politics, international relations and good governance


Entertainment and sports

Here is a simple example for you. Do you want to be a ballet dancer but live in a country where you can’t easily access ballet classes?

Jump on YouTube and you will find a place to learn this skill and start on a journey to becoming an accomplished ballet dancer. You no longer need to travel abroad to do so unless there is a compelling reason for that.

Big Questions, Simple Solutions

We shall address issues under several relevant topics such as content marketing, business blogging, WordPress skills, online income generation and a lot more.

To be honest with you, I don’t, and can never have, all the answers you are looking for. But I can give you enough to start you on the road to success.

Again, to say that merely abandoning your dream to travel and work abroad will quickly give you the financial freedom you may be looking for will amount to telling you a big lie.

You must work for it.

To work abroad from home and earn the income you would have otherwise earned overseas would demand that you up your game about self-education.

It will require you to make personal sacrifices, put in a lot of energy and remain focused and consistent no matter the challenges that WILL come your way.

No Easy Tricks

Mind you, I am not here to promise you any easy, bullet-proof or even fraudulent secrets about making money from abroad. The reality of life is that nothing good comes easy.

But with the right mindset, strategy and determination, it is possible to earn enough foreign currency from the comfort of your home in Ghana or elsewhere – far away from the US, Canada, France and the United Kingdom. That is if this is what you want for yourself.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching and best bloggers life choices. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream and a fulfilling life as a digital entrepreneur.

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