Become A Life Coach: 20 Proven Steps to Starting A Coaching Career

In order to become a life coach either online or offline or both you need to determine whether you’re cut out for such a career. You can do this by first assessing your strengths and weaknesses. Additional key steps to take include undergoing some form of training, choosing your preferred coaching niche and having a business plan in place before you begin to take on new clients.

The truth is starting a successful life coaching career can be a rewarding undertaking. However, it requires careful planning and dedication.

In this post, you will uncover the secrets of how to become a successful life coach online or offline

But first, let’s find out who a life coach really is and what functions or duties they perform.

Who is a life coach?

Here is what you need to know about anyone who does a life-coaching business and does it well.

A life coach is a professional who assists individuals in achieving their personal and professional goals, making significant life changes, and improving their overall well-being.

Life coaches typically provide guidance, support, and motivation to help their clients identify and reach their desired goals.

Functions of a Life Coach

Let’s now have the main functions or duties of a life coach.

Goal Setting

One important function most life coaches perform is to work with clients to define and set clear, achievable goals in various areas of life.

They include career, personal finance, spirituality, relationships, health, and personal development.


Secondly, a life coach helps clients stay accountable for their actions. This is key so that they can progress toward their goals.


Life coaches work with their clients to identify and overcome obstacles that may hinder personal growth or success.

Personal Development

Moreover, life coaches support clients in developing self-awareness and self-improvement strategies.

These strategies include building confidence, enhancing communication skills, and managing stress.

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Time Management

Life coaches often help clients improve time management and organizational skills as a means to increase productivity and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Career Development

A career coach functions in ways that guide their clients to make the best career decisions.

Other career-focused duties of a life coach may relate to job transitions and skill development.

Wellness and Health

Some life coaches focus on helping clients achieve physical and mental well-being These are coaches who provide guidance on fitness, nutrition, and stress management.

Financial Planning

The functions of life coaches also include helping their clients solve their money issues such as debt, budgeting and compulsive spending.

Some life coaches have played significant roles in their client’s financial difficulties and have guided them to take deliberate steps towards positive financial turnarounds.

For example, they’ve helped them to set financial goals, do basic budgeting, and make informed decisions to improve their financial situation.

Relationship Coaching

Some life coaches guide clients in building and maintaining healthy relationships. Examples are romantic partnerships, friendships, and family ties.

Emotional Support

Finally, life coaches provide emotional support and motivation. A life coach can guide their clients to stay positive and focused on their life goals.

Key Takeaways

From the above examples of life coaching functions and duties, you will observe the following about the life coaching profession.

  • life coaching is not a form of therapy or counselling.
  • Coaches do not delve into deep emotional issues or past trauma
  • Typically, a life coach will focus on the present and future as a way of helping their clients move forward and achieve their aspirations.
  • Life coaches vary in their specialities and approaches

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Steps to Becoming a Life Coach

Now you can have the necessary steps anyone who wishes to become a life coach must follow.

1. Self-Assessment

To become a life coach and start helping others on their life journey, you must understand who and what you are.

Take time to evaluate your own strengths, weaknesses, values, and life experiences. Self-awareness is crucial for effective coaching.

2. Education and Training

Consider obtaining relevant education and training. While it’s not always required, certification from a reputable coaching organization can enhance your credibility.

Here is a list of some of the best life coaching certification programs posted by Verywellmind that you might want to consider.

You can also read more about what Coursera has to say about becoming a certified life coach.

Remember also that there are many life coaching books out there to read. They can teach you a lot about what other established career life coaches are doing.

There is a lot to learn from many life coaching books about the ins and outs of the life coaching industry in general.

3. Choose a Niche

Another crucial step to take to become a successful life coach is to choose your life coaching niche carefully.

Determine your coaching niche based on your expertise and passion. Specializing in a particular area such as spirituality coaching, personal finance coaching, career coaching, relationship coaching or health and wellness coaching can help you stand out.

4. Develop Coaching Skills

Hone your coaching skills, including active listening, empathy, communication, and problem-solving. Practice these skills in real-life situations.

5. Have a Business Plan

Treat your coaching practice as a business. Outline your goals, target audience, marketing strategy, and financial plan.

6. Legal and Administrative Tasks

Do not forget to register your coaching business.

It is important that you obtain any necessary licenses, and set up a legal structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC).

One type of insurance to seriously consider is liability insurance.

7. Build an Online Presence

You need a professional-looking website to help you become a successful life coach.

Establish a professional online presence through a website, social media profiles, and a blog.

Share your expertise as much as possible. Find the best ways to connect with potential clients.

8. Networking is Key

Network with other coaches and professionals in your niche.

Find time to attend life coaching industry conferences. You also need to join coaching associations near you and participate in the relevant online forums.

9. Look for Your Life Coaching Clients

Starting and growing a successful life coaching business begins with client acquisition.

There are multiple ways to attract life-coaching clients.

For example, you can find clients through various digital marketing channels such as content marketing, social media, and referrals.

Additionally, do not shy away from offering free initial consultations to showcase your skills. You will reap the benefits later.

10. Adopt A Client-Centered Approach

Develop a client-centered approach. Tailor your coaching sessions to the unique needs and goals of each client.

Make sure to listen actively and ask the right questions.

Here is a list of over seventy life coaching questions from to guide you.

11. Embrace Continuous Learning

The willingness to always learn something new is one of the most important attributes of successful life coaches.

So you need to cultivate the habit of lifelong learning if you truly want to become an effective life coach.

There are many avenues to learn more about your life coaching career. Here are a few examples.

  • Stay updated with the latest coaching techniques and trends.
  • Attend workshops.
  • Read books.
  • Read blogs that focus on helping life coaches hone their skills
  • Watch videos from life coaching YouTube channels
  • Participate in ongoing professional development.

12. Follow Ethical Standards for Life Coaches

Adhere to ethical standards and boundaries in your coaching practice.

For example, you must maintain confidentiality and ensure client consent for any recorded sessions.

13. Value Feedback and Evaluation

Seek feedback from your clients and use it for continuous improvement.

Also, evaluate your coaching methods and adapt as your life coaching business evolves.

14. Set Pricing and Payment Policies

Another key step to take to become a life coach is to determine your coaching fees and establish clear payment policies.

You might want to offer package deals or subscription-based services.

15. Time Management is Key

As a beginner life coach, you need to learn to manage your time effectively. Effective time management has the advantage of helping you balance your coaching sessions, administrative tasks, and personal life.

There are multiple time-scheduling tools out there to consider.

16. Measure Your Success

Define what success means for your coaching career.

It might include a specific number of clients, income goals, or client success stories.

17. Comply With The Law

You need to take seriously all legal issues in the life coaching industry.

The first step is to register your life coaching business as I pointed out earlier.

After that, you must stay informed about other new developments regarding legal requirements and regulations related to coaching in your region.

18. Marketing and Promotion

The ultra-successful life coaches you see out there have mastered the art of business marketing and promotion. So learn from them as much as you can.

Continuously market your coaching services. Make sure to experiment with different marketing strategies to find what works best for you.

19. Work on Your Mindset

Remember that like every task we set for ourselves, there are bound to be challenges and difficult times during your life coaching journey.

Having worked as an educational coach for decades, I know this simple truth about life coaching: It can be emotionally demanding at times.

This is why you really need to develop grit and a positive mindset.

Beyond that, cultivate a growth mindset and stay resilient.

This will help you to handle challenges and setbacks.

20. Seek Mentorship

Finally, consider finding a mentor in the coaching field. Such an individual will provide guidance and support as you build your career.

Final Thoughts

Do you still want to become a life coach after going through these requirements? Whether you want to go into educational coaching like myself or chart a different course with spiritual coaching, personal finance coaching or any other, there is no better time to start than now.

Always bear in mind that starting a successful life coaching career takes time and dedication. You ought to continuously improve your skills, build a strong client base, and maintain ethical standards to establish yourself as a reputable life coach in your chosen niche.

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