4 Sets of Skills Required for Blogging

Do you want to know the sets of skills required for blogging so you can go straight ahead and start learning them? It means you’re on the right path to becoming an effective online writer. Then you’ve come to the right place.

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I’m going to show you the most important skill sets that every beginner blogger needs to succeed as a professional blogger.

Without further ado, let’s dive in to identify my list of the essential skills required for blogging.

Skill #1. Online publishing skills

Online publishing is an obvious set of useful skills for every blogger.

Some call these skills required for blogging digital publishing skills. Others call them self-publishing skills. Yet still, some prefer the rather uncommon term infopreneurship skills.

Well, whatever you decide to call it, online publishing is simply what it means. And all the skills you need to learn under online publishing will help you to be a better blogger.

What is online publishing about?

An online publisher writes or creates content and then puts it out there on the internet for the whole world to see and consume.

This is exactly what I’m doing right now. I create and publish articles, tutorials and blog posts on the internet.

Others are heavily into video content publishing. YouTube is your most popular platform here.

Podcasts (online content in the form of audio) are of late grabbing a lot of attention among both creators and consumers.


So what is in it for you when you learn the needed online publishing set of skills?

There are many advantages to enjoy if you become an online publisher. For example, you can transform yourself into a reputable authority. The go-to person in your field. And this is what makes the difference between bloggers that are taken seriously and the rest.

Also, you will be building an online resume or CV that could help you land a very good job in the future. And, who knows, having these skills required for blogging could make you start making a decent income online.  

You should also not forget that these days lots and lots of companies and organizations are creating websites and blogs. Blogging happens to be the most effective marketing tool now.

Therefore, here is where you will come in if you know how to publish online. You may land a better job if you come equipped with this set of skills in your toolkit.

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Your current employer could also give you an extra responsibility to create content for the company website or manage the whole setup for a bonus or additional pay.

Skill #2. Social media marketing skills

Wait. What are you talking about? Me? Of course, I’m too old to learn these tech things. They’re for the millennials and the Generation Y kids, right?

No. Wrong.

The truth is that any adult learner can easily learn social media marketing and excel at it.

It is also one of the most profitable skills required for blogging.

Being an effective social media marketer can be a plus for your chosen blogging career.

You can cheaply advertise your services or products right in front of the whole world.

Moreover, it is possible to partner with companies running affiliate programs and begin earning some commissions right out of your blog content.

Skill #3. Communication skills

We are in an information age. This is the age of the internet. Much of the wealth that flows around in the global economy does not go to producers of industrial goods anymore.

It is bloggers who know how to create, parcel and transmit information that are attracting the world’s wealth.

All I’m saying is that it is information that drives the global economy today.

This is why learning the most effective methods of communication as part of your blogging skills set will help you a lot.

The moment you learn to acquire the right communication skills, your services as a blogger or freelance writer will be in high demand by media houses, political parties, law firms, businesses and even religious bodies.

If you are like me and desire to be your own boss, you can set up your own consulting company, blog or events business. Then you will start making an income for yourself and your family.

What to learn under communication

Here are some aspects of communication skills required for blogging.

  • Effective writing
  • Public speaking
  • SEO content creation
  • Copywriting
  • Advertising
  • Business communication
  • Email marketing

Skill #4. Do-it-yourself (aka DIY)

Self-improvement pundits are quick to emphasize the need for self-help in our desire to become more. And they’re absolutely right.

As a beginner blogger, you give yourself a head start, if you quickly acquire the skill to personally perform a lot of tasks. It isn’t every task that you have to employ a freelancer to do for you.

In fact, with a little bit of effort, you can easily perform the below skills required for blogging all by yourself.

  • How to install plugins
  • Blog post editing
  • Pasting code and tags on your site
  • Doing keyword research
  • Search engine optimization
  • Using Google Analytics and Search console
  • Customizing WordPress themes

Remember, DIY, as it is popularly called, will help you save money and time.

Last word

Remember that it doesn’t take too much of effort to acquire the above sets of skills required for blogging. You actually need to have them because they are the tools that every serious blogger must have in their toolbox. With a little bit of curiosity, patience and hard work, you will be able to learn the needed blogging skills. And if you need training, just let me know.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream.

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