How to Write an Educational Blog Article

To write an educational blog post that will rank high on search engine pages requires that you start by brainstorming your ideas, then follow it up with keyword research, create the right blog post title, plan the structure of the tutorial, research your content, write with good grammar and explain adequately the various learning points.

The educational blog article is unique in many ways. So one needs to bear the following in mind when one decides to write an educational blog.

  • The audience is largely made up of young people.
  • But you may need to serve the needs of older learners too.
  • E-learning is not the same as face-to-face learning. There is no physical contact between you the teacher and the learner.
  • To write an educational blog article is to produce content that is instructional in tone.
  • Adequate knowledge and understanding of your subject are key. But you can’t know it all.
  • You are not the only one teaching the topic online. There are competitors.
  • Write an educational blog post that will increase your readers’ trust in you.
  • Education is shifting from the mere acquisition of knowledge to the application of that knowledge in real-life situations.
  • Practical skills learning is becoming an integral part of online education.
  • Some readers will crosscheck your assertions, solutions and arguments.
  • You are not perfect. This is because you are human. Mistakes are bound to be made. Devote enough time to make corrections to any errors you might have committed when drafting your study guide.

With the above in mind, it becomes easier to figure out how to write an educational blog article that rocks.

Objectives of Educational Blogging

Now before I give you the tips for writing a great educational blog tutorial, it is important that we identify some general objectives an educational blog post is meant to achieve.

I mean whether you are teaching English online or publishing tutorials on biology or digital marketing, there are certain core objectives that you would want to achieve.

The online teaching objectives below must also inform how you write an educational blog post.

  • Every online teacher wants to reach as many students as possible.
  • The aim is to increase the traffic coming in to your teacher blog.
  • Learners must derive some concrete benefits from the learning experience.
  • You want to make sure that your readers easily understand whatever you teach them.
  • Preferably, Google and other search engines should be able to position the educational blog post you have written on their first pages.
  • You want visitors to recommend your educational website to others who may be interested.
  • This means the solutions you give must help your students achieve their educational and career goals.

Two Major Factors

At this stage, it should be clear to you that there are, at least, two factors that must determine the way we write an educational blog post.

One is the fact that there are some unique attributes of online teaching and learning.

The other has to do with the objectives every serious educational blogger sets out to achieve with their content strategy.

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Tips on How to Write an Educational Blog

It is now time for me to share with you the tips on how to write an educational blog article. Never forget this. Success will naturally come knocking as soon as you master the skill of writing educational tutorials that your students love.

So let’s assume that you are thinking of writing your next educational blog post. What must you do so that your online tutorial will be successful? Here are the steps I strongly recommend you take.

Being an educational blogger myself, experience over the years has taught me these vital lessons. They enable me to write educational blog articles that make it easier for me achieve my goals. I trust that these tips will be of some value to you too.

Let’s have them right away.

1. Brainstorm Your Ideas

It is necessary to have a fair idea about what you wish to offer your audience. Whatever idea it is, it must of necessity fall in line with your overall content strategy. And that includes the niche in which you are blogging as well as the demographics of your audience.

Let’s take for example that you are teaching a particular language on your educational website. It may be that you want your next blog post to be about essay writing.

Think about whether you wish to write about speech writing, argumentative writing or narrative essay writing.

With a clear idea in mind as to what to teach your students, it is time to move to the next step.

2. Do Keyword Research

It is true that serious keyword research can get highly technical and complicated. But my advice is this. Do not allow the complicated (and sometimes expensive) keyword research methods others are talking about to bog you down.

I honestly believe that quite often, a simple approach is the most effective way to solve most human problems – keyword research included. So take it easy on yourself.

One way to go about this is to simply type your idea (narrative essay, for example) into Google’s search bar. Quickly, you will see the questions real people are actually asking regarding your idea pop up.

You may then decide on what keyword to pick to write your next educational blog article.

There may be other considerations for selecting your best keyword. However, I am unable to address them in this post. You will surely learn more about how to choose the best keywords to write an educational blog in another article.

Shall we continue?

3. Create the Title for the Blog Post

This is the time to open your WordPress Gutenberg block editor for a new post.

Type in the title you wish to use for this particular post. If you have installed a WordPress plugin like Yoast SEO on your website, it should guide you to come up with a unique blog title structure. Remember your meta tags are key to the way your content ranks on Google.

4. Plan the Structure of the Tutorial

Remain conscious of this fact. You are writing an instructional article. Note also that your students are not there physically with you.

For that matter, the way you organize the educational blog you are about to write must make it self-explanatory enough, easy to read and easy to digest.

Do the following to achieve these.

  • Break down the topic into sub-topics under easy-to-understand subheadings.
  • Make your paragraphs as brief as possible.
  • Have an introduction, a body and a concluding paragraph.

In short, make your manner of presentation stand out.

5. Research the Subject Matter and Decide on the Scope of the Blog Article

Provide sufficient content in the article. This means that you must look around for as much information as you can get about the topic.

Address as many closely related questions you found when you were researching your keywords as possible. Remember your educational blog content needs to be truly informative.

But make sure not to go overboard. Instead, stay on point. Avoid adding irrelevant material to each educational blog post you write.

There will always come more opportunities to publish other study guides. Therefore, what you are unable to include in your current tutorial will definitely become useful at another time.

6. Use Simple Words and Expressions

Granted, there are certain technical terms related to every subject that a good teacher must never shy away from showing their students. Nevertheless, be careful not to make life difficult for your readers to get the point you are trying to put across.

Avoid writing too many unfamiliar words and extremely complex sentences. Keep things simple so that most visitors to your educational website will be motivated to stay long enough.

Your bounce rate will benefit from this in Google Analytics. And there is the high likelihood that you will get repeat visitors in large numbers.

7. Illustrate Key Ideas

The best way to achieve your objective of helping students succeed in their academic work is to help them to understand what you teach on your educational blog. This is why explanation is important.

Here are some tips on how to write an educational blog that is explanatory enough.

  • Make good use of infographics.
  • Employ graphs, tables and diagrams if that suits your type of educational content. Educational websites that teach subjects like Mathematics, Economics, Geography, Financial Accounting , Physics and Biology will benefit immensely from these.
  • For high school or college Language and Literature learning blogs like Cegast Academy, it is a good idea to give concrete examples to support points concerning characters or other issues.
  • Where possible, use direct quotes to buttress your assertions. Most educational niche blogs with a focus on Liberal Arts studies stand to gain a lot from this approach.
  • Above all, relate the knowledge you are imparting to your students to real-life situations. Let them see how they can develop some life skills from this knowledge.

8. Provide Resources for Further Reading

We have said it before. To teach effectively online, the educational blogger needs to adequately research their intended teaching topics. So while you write an educational blog post, never forget to show readers where they can find additional information on the subject.

Do this by building external links either inside the text or as a bullet list of resources.

Some online tutors fail to do this because of the fear of losing blog traffic. Personally, I believe that the actual value of any educational blog comes from its ability to give as much information as possible.

Since you cannot publish everything under the sun on your blog, why not give more value to your audience by showing them where to find extra valuable material?

At least some of them will reward you with more love and appreciation. And that will come in many direct and indirect unimaginable ways.

9. Write the Educational Blog with Good Grammar

As online teachers, the fact that our students cannot see or hear us in person does not give us the licence to take for granted the quality of grammar we put out there. Remember you don’t want to do anything that will put off your audience.

No serious blogger will ever do anything that will have a negative effect on their blog’s traffic volume.

Bad grammar carelessly scattered all over the blog post is obviously not your best friend.

Interestingly, students will always expect their teachers to be perfect. But this is almost impossible. In fact, some grammatical errors occur not because the online tutor does not know the right thing. Technical hitches, fatigue and other external factors have a role to play.

Much as you cannot be perfect, it is always possible to keep improving on the quality of your writing.

Personally, I devote time to learning how to write better. I urge you to develop the habit of lifelong learning.

Another way to improve the quality of the grammar on your teacher blog is to thoroughly edit and proofread the draft before you hit the publish button.

If you can afford it, employ a competent freelancer to do the editing and proofreading for you.

Grammarly is a popular grammar app that is used by many digital publishers to better their writing. There are free and premium versions of the Grammarly app. You might want to give it a try.

10. Integrate Fun into the Learning Experience

Finally, allow your online students to enjoy the learning experience. Are you a test prep coach? It is no use getting too serious with your tone just because you are giving information to people who are making feverish preparations for a school exam.

The truth is this. When visitors to your educational website have fun while they learn, they will most likely keep coming back for more.

To help online learners enjoy what you teach them, consider the following. You may as well come up with your own creative strategies. Don’t forget that teaching is as much an art just as it is a science.

  • Choose expressions that create the kind of tone that puts students at ease. Let them feel that you respect them and want to relate to them on an equal level. No need to be bossy, please.
  • Add a quiz to the tutorial. This could be a brief multiple-choice self-assessment test with results showing in real time. Quiz Maker is one WordPress plugin that you may want to try.

You may as well add a personality quiz if that suits your unique goals.

Wrapping it up

As a full-time educational blogger with years of blogging experience, I have come to learn one vital lesson about how to write an educational blog.. And this is it. Quality content always trumps ‘clever’ technical SEO antics.

True, search engine optimization is an indispensable tool for a blog’s success. But when all is said and done, it is the effort that an online tutor puts into content research, structure and method of delivery that counts most.

Do you aspire to become an educational blogger? You may find more information on successful educational blogging here.

Remember that is still possible to make money online with a teacher blog. So don’t hesitate to take the plunge as soon as possible. Please, feel free to leave a comment below in case you wish to share your thoughts on this topic.

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