5 Key Reasons to Learn How to Blog

In today’s gig economy, you simply have to learn how to blog or publish content online.

There is a real reason why we have thousands of new blogs coming on the web each day. People have realized the potential of having blogging skills and the key role of blogs in marketing for both small and very large companies.

In fact, some 70 million online articles are published each month by WordPress bloggers alone!

As you can see, everyone keen on improving themselves or becoming successful in today’s work environment needs a blog and must start learning how to blog.

Below are the key reasons you need to learn how to blog.

1. It is a lucrative employable skill.

Blogging is a flourishing profession. As a blogger, you can earn a lot of money just by providing paid blogging services.

There is an opportunity for both part-time bloggers and those who would love to become full-time professional bloggers.

Here are some real blogging jobs real people are making so much money from as we speak right now. They are just the tip of the iceberg, actually.

Freelance writer

Content manager

Content marketer

Virtual Assistant

Graphic designer

Social media marketer

Guest blogger/writer

Now if you prefer being your own boss, it is possible to apply your entrepreneurial skills to start a successful blogging business.

Neil Patel, Pat Flynn and Jon Morrow are just a few of the big fish in the blogging pond. There are lots of other high-earning bloggers out there who never get a mention.

So you’ve got every reason to take on blogging as a career.

I must be quick to add that blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Success in blogging always takes time, consistent effort and the desire to keep going when things get tough. Because they will, believe me.

You will finally make money blogging if only you’ve got what it takes to succeed in blogging.

The beautiful thing about blogging revenue is that much of it is pure passive income. Yes!

2. A blog is the most effective marketing tool today.

Businesses that prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to have a positive ROI (return on investment) on their efforts.

In the United States, for example, 57% of marketers say they gained customers through blogging. And 53% say blogging is their top content marketing tool.

How to Become a More Productive Blogger

So, you can see how learning how to blog can propel your business to greater heights.

A staggering 409 million people worldwide view more than 20 billion web pages each month.

Another revealing blogging statistic is that 77% of internet users read blogs.

3. Blogging is growing in popularity

Over the past few years, the interest in blogging has been growing exponentially.

Just take a look at this stunning revelation.

In 1999, there were 23 blogs on the internet. Today (20 years later), there are 500 million blogs worldwide as of 2019.

And the number of blogs has been growing by 12% since 2015.

Again, approximately 6 million blog posts are created every day.

Currently, 53.3% of bloggers are between the ages of 21 and 35.

Clearly, blogging is for the future. It is not going to go away anytime soon, trust me.

4. You don’t need to be a writing genius to blog

Because blogging is no longer all about writing or publishing written content. And even if it were, a reasonable knowledge of writing skills is enough for anyone to start and run a successful blog.

Today we have what we call vlogging. This refers to video bloggers who mostly use YouTube as a reliable and friendly platform for publishing their video content.

From travel bloggers to food bloggers, there is room for every creative person with a solution to solve one human problem or the other via video blogging.

It might interest you to know that the majority of the content you view daily on YouTube fall in the category of blogging.

This one is for you if you’re running some kind of business. It doesn’t matter what niche you’re into. The more compelling reason you should consider publishing video content is that according to the figures, video content is 50x more likely to drive organic search traffic than plain text.

5. Blogging is a learnable skill

Like every other human activity, it is most helpful to acquire some training in blogging. This is particularly so if you wish to be a professional blogger, making money blogging.

You must learn how to write SEO content, for example. The business side of blogging requires that you master your email marketing and social media marketing side of things as well.

Even knowing how to use WordPress (arguably the best blogging platform of our time) is a blogging skill to spend time learning properly. WordPress itself boasts that 38% of the web uses the platform.

The reason to LEARN how to blog is crystal clear: so you can do so like a pro.

Parting words

When there was an explosion in computer usage a couple of decades ago, learning how to use a computer was the thing. Well, the world has moved on since. The need to acquire blogging skills, the faster the better, is the new kid on the block. You can hardly function without the right digital publishing skills in today’s economy. That’s why you’ve got every reason to begin to learn how to blog.

My sources




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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream.

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