Best 15 Topics for Education Niche Blogs

Popular topics for education niche blogs include study guides, revision tools, homeschooling, educational technology, tests and quizzes, language learning, adult education, and guidance and counselling. In this post, I will show you some of the best education niche blog topics. They are among the most profitable and SEO-friendly ideas that persons interested in blogging for teaching purposes can consider.

So if you’re searching for topics for your education niche blog you can rest assured that you will go away from here with ideas that will definitely make a difference for your teaching blog.

The following are among the most profitable topics for education niche blogs. You have the choice to either niche down on just one or two of these topics for your education niche blog or simply make all of them form the different categories on your WordPress blog.

1. Study Guides

The most popular among the topics for education niche blogs are study guides. In most cases, education niche blogs that cater to the needs of high school students offer study guides that help prepare their visitors for school term and external examinations.

You may want to learn more from Cegast Academy about how to write and publish study guides on your own teaching blog.

Other education niche blogs like and devote much of their attention to providing test-prep materials and tools for their students. They create both free and paid lessons and tutorials on different kinds of subjects in the high school curriculum. These include Mathematics, Literature, English and Economics.

Do you wish to start a teacher blog any time soon? Maybe you already have an educational blog for high school students. You can consider giving free study guides to potential visitors to your tutoring blog.

As soon as you establish your authority in your education niche, you may begin to sell upgraded tutoring services, coaching and other products such as ebooks and online courses.

2. Tests and Quizzes

Another category of topics you will find on a number of education niche blogs is Tests and  Quizzes. Parents of school children love to have easy access to standardized tests and quizzes to help them assess the progress their wards are making in school.

Again, an increasing number of high school teachers, for example, look to education niche blogs for inspiration each time they are about to conduct a classroom test in any subject of their choice.

And, don’t forget, a growing number of students are now visiting education niche blogs for sample questions and answers in their specific subject areas.

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3. Guidance and Counselling

Guidance and Counselling is one key area that any educational blogger can turn into a winsome blog topic.

Look at it this way. There is a shortage of material on career counselling for students worldwide. Students want to know the job opportunities available for them when they finish their studies. Many are those who are still struggling to pass their school exams because they never had any passion or talent for the subjects they chose to study.

Clearly, therein lies the opportunity for amazing blog traffic. With high blog traffic, come ad revenue and affiliate marketing income.

Do you enjoy guiding students as to what they should be doing with their time? Then I would encourage you to choose guidance and counselling for your education niche blog.

Give valuable advice to students in your blog posts. And if done right, yours can turn out to be one of the most successful education niche blogs around.

4. Vacation Jobs

Well-written blog posts on vacation jobs available to college students or high school students can bring in a lot of traffic to your educational blog.

Do not forget that both students and teachers frequent education niche blogs all the time. Many of these visitors to your blog will be interested in knowing how to get the next high-paying vacation jobs.

This presents you with an opportunity to dish out information about both offline traditional jobs and online jobs. You can even set up a job board with the right WordPress plugin.

Tell your readers how to find such digital marketing jobs as virtual office assistant, freelance copywriter and social media marketer. And they will thank you for it.

5. Student Lifestyle

There is a good chance of success for you if you start a teaching blog that focuses on student life hacks. Possible titles for this topic include the following.

How to Avoid Punishment in School

Tips to Help You Prepare for Life After School

Top 10 Tips for Managing Money While in School

Best Sources of Finance for Students

How to Be the Best High School Student

Best Online Jobs for College Students

Top 10 Places to Get a Vacation Job

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6. Revision Tools

There is so much to blog about as you try to help millions of students worldwide to prepare effectively for their school exams. From elementary school to high school and even university, students are always in need of revision materials and advice.

Why don’t you emulate those education niche blogs that provide revision tools for both struggling and ambitious students?

Consider writing about where to get the best Math notebooks online. Show students the way to other educational blogs that can help them with their revision work.

There are revision resources such as high school subject question and answer sites, digital libraries, free PDF download sites, quizzes and language learning apps and games.

All you need is to do a little bit of research and lead your audience to the most reliable test prep tools online or offline.

7. Language Learning

Are you a Language fanatic? Do you have a passion for analysing Literary texts? Teaching language and literature is a topic that attracts a lot of traffic online. Your teacher blog can help students with the difficulties they may have analysing poems, novels and drama.

Now if you’re good at speaking a particular language you can start a teaching blog based on that topic.

Maybe you’re highly proficient at speaking English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Mandarin or French.

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Do you have excellent speaking and writing skills in Arabic, Swahili or French? It is even likely that you’re multilingual. Good for you.

You can make a good impression online with your language teaching and learning blog. Just make sure that you choose the most popular international languages that a lot of non-native speakers are looking to learn as a foreign or second language.

8. Adult Education

The adult education industry has always been with us. But the digital revolution has transformed the way people acquire new knowledge and skills today while working or taking care of their kids at the same time.

Now, there are thousands of education niche blogs that devote much attention to this topic. The reason is the number of workers, parents and unemployed adults who are looking to learn something new online keeps growing.

You stand a good chance to do well with an education niche blog that caters to the needs of adult learners.

Topics to consider for an adult education blog include productivity tips, soft skills, home management, small business startup, basic writing and reading skills, communication skills and so on.

9. Essay Writing Service

If you have the talent, skills and qualifications for academic essay writing, you can do well with an essay writing blog.

Your education niche blog can teach others how to write the kind of essays that will sweep any examiner off their feet.

You may as well offer to help your visitors do their essay writing homework. In fact, there is a good chance for you to make money selling high school and college-level essay samples, templates, worksheets and guides.

10. Remedial Lessons in Mathematics

The perennial problem of low performance in Mathematics does not look like going away anytime soon. Unfortunately, many students find it hard to understand their math lessons. This is where you come in if you are good at teaching Mathematics to the understanding of the majority of your students.

Leveraging your rare talent in simplifying Math for elementary school and high school students is the best move you can make now.

When you learn how to create a teacher blog that gives lessons in Mathematics, you will be a blessing to millions of struggling students around the globe. And, trust me, you will receive your reward right here on earth!

11. Life Skills

Some education niche blogs have been growing from strength to strength just by teaching a variety of life skills.

Which life skills are you interested in? Do you love cooking? Do you find it relatively easy to manage and save money? Maybe you know how to keep your environment clean and safe. It might as well be that you are good at promoting peace and harmony between married couples or friends.

For some people, there are lessons from personal experiences to share on single parenting, surviving health challenges or becoming a better version of one’s old self. All these are topics you can incorporate into your education niche blog.

You will be serving the needs of not only adult learners but also students who are about to graduate from school and enter the real world.

12. Online Learning

Education niche blogs that write about online learning are a great resource for both students and educators. The e-learning industry is taking the web by storm. There is an ever-increasing demand for online education.

For that matter, any blogger who publishes content about e-learning tools and methodology should attract enough traffic to their website.

13. Educational Technology

Blog about apps, gadgets and mobile devices that educators and students can use in the classroom. Show how integrating technology with classroom experiences and the school curriculum will impact learning positively.

You can also show your website visitors places where they can purchase or obtain for free some of the best educational software today. This is what a blog like MindShift does.

14. Homeschooling

Go to Google and you will find such search queries as ‘benefits of homeschooling during covid, ‘advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling’, ‘free online high school diploma no cost for adults’, ‘high school diploma for adults online’, ‘home school for adults high school diploma’, ‘home school diploma for adults’, and ‘online high school diploma free’.

There is no end to the number of blog posts you can write under the homeschooling sub-niche. Need some inspiration? Check out This blogger publishes extensively on multiple homeschooling topics.

15. Teaching Tips and Tools

The last topic for education niche blogs I want to share with you is teaching tips and tools. I’m certain that on a daily basis, thousands of our fellow teachers go online for resources that will help them become better teachers for their students.

I personally search for a number of teaching tools on the internet. Forget about the fact that I have been out of the traditional classroom for decades now. The truth is I’ve never left teaching. I’ve been a self-employed teacher for a very long time. And I call myself an edupreneur – an educational entrepreneur.

I use the teaching tools and resources I get online to help my online students prepare properly for their senior high school exams such as NECO, JAMB and WAEC/WASSCE.

Other teachers are out there looking for lesson note templates, samples of tests, quizzes and a lot more. There are, at least, thousands of online searches for subject syllabuses every hour.

Moreover, many teachers want new ideas on how to motivate students to study better, and how to handle problem-students and situations in the classroom.

Surely, you can hope for a large audience for all that you have to say on your blog about teaching tips and tools.




So you see, you can make a huge impact on education by becoming an education niche blogger. And remember, you do not even need to be a regular or certified teacher to start a teacher blog. Good knowledge of your chosen subject and a passion to keep learning about your chosen blog topic are enough to make you a successful educational blogger.

So what are you waiting for? Get up and start your teacher blog today. And in case you need more ideas on how to start and run a blog as a money-making business, the team at BloggingtotheMax will be here to help you in any way we can.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching and best bloggers life choices. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream and a fulfilling life as a digital entrepreneur.

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