80+ Best Sub-Niches in Finance (and How to Make Them Work)

Today you will know the best sub-niches in finance for anyone interested in starting and growing a niche website. So if you are looking for the most profitable finance niche blog ideas to help you start making money in the early days of your blog then you have come to the right place.

Each one of these sub-niches in finance has the potential to help you access fantastic income sources in the finance industry.

BTW. Note that the finance niche in blogging is not necessarily the same as the personal finance niche. Typically, personal finance is like a sub-niche under a broader finance niche for bloggers.

Best Sub-Niches in Finance

Let’s have the best sub-niches in finance that will inspire you especially if you are a beginner financial blogger.

Beneath this list of the most profitable sub-niches in finance, I will give you some actionable strategies for you to make sure that your finance blog takes off right from day one.

This way, regardless of the sub-niche or combination of sub-niches in finance you finally settle on, you should quickly begin to make a decent income as a beginner financial blogger.

Here we go!

Must You Choose Just One?

Not necessarily. You are free to select either a single sub-niche in finance or a combination of two or more of the sub-niches below.

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Finance Planning
  • Personal Finance
  • Budgeting
  • Debt Reduction Strategy
  • Get Out of Debt
  • Savings for Students
  • Retirement Planning
  • Credit Card Management
  • Money Management
  • Banking Advice
  • Personal Finance
  • Loans and Cards
  • Save and Invest
  • Startup Tips
  • Frugal Spending
  • Salary Management
  • Stock Trading
  • Forex Trading
  • Online Payment Gateways
  • Paypal Tips
  • Money Transfer
  • Personal Finance for Teens
  • Personal Finance for Kids
  • Disaster Preparedness
  • Best Online Stores
  • Surviving Job Loss
  • Secrets of the Rich
  • Personal Finance Quotes
  • Living on a Small Income
  • Rich People Biographies/Profiles
  • Work from Home
  • Apartment Rentals
  • Luxury Lifestyle of the Rich
  • Helping the Needy
  • Money Websites
  • Micro Finance
  • Personal Finance Tools
  • Surviving Bankruptcy
  • Online Income Sources
  • Online Income Apps
  • Online Jobs
  • Educational Scholarships
  • Funding Higher Education
  • Insurance
  • Vacation Planning
  • Shopping Tips
  • Investing
  • Stock Market Trading
  • Forex Trading
  • Tips to Avoid Fraudsters (or Scammers Online/Offline)
  • Passive Income Ideas
  • Starting a Side Hustle
  • Minimalist Lifestyle
  • Pension Schemes
  • Investing in People and Communities/Philanthropy
  • Spending Tips
  • Taxes
  • Home Loans and Mortgage
  • Student Loans
  • Student Debt Management
  • Car Purchase Advice
  • Used Cars Purchase Advice
  • Car Rental
  • Real Estate Investing
  • Luxury Car Ideas
  • Small Budget Cars
  • Small Business Finance
  • Crowdfunding
  • Peer-to-Peer Lending
  • Home Purchase
  • Coupons
  • Financial Literacy
  • Child Education Funding
  • Special Event Planning
  • Self-Employment
  • Remote Work
  • Freelancing
  • Accounting
  • Personal Finance Tools
  • Personal Finance Books/Bestsellers
  • Finance Websites
  • Jobs and Career Development
  • Business Management Teacher
  • Economics Teacher
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Wealth Management
  • Creating Multiple Streams of Income
  • Capital Management

Making Sure Your Finance Blog Takes Off Smoothly

Now that you know the options available to you if you wish to settle on one or a combination of a few of the many finance niche blog ideas, I want to also give you some guidance regarding how to start and monetize a finance micro niche blog by strategy.

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Astra Pro Theme Price Details Compared With Competitors

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You see, I’ve been doing some serious research on the topic of financial blogging. In another post, I provide readers with a long list of finance blog examples, what is special about them, how they make money and what you might want to do differently for the sake of differentiation which is key in marketing any product.

Those ideas will give you further inspiration if you truly desire to make it big in financial blogging. I would strongly urge you to go check it out at any time.

Back to the topic of the moment.

Remember that the competition is quite stiff among bloggers within the sub-niches in the finance space. But the good news is that you can still create and build a successful blog under any one of the micro-niches in finance.

I believe that with the right strategy, you should be able to establish an actual money-making website you will be proud of.

So let me show you some simple ideas on how to make your finance niche blog stand out and bring in the cash.

General Tips on Starting a Niche Website in Finance

Like I said a moment ago, the financial blogging tips you are about to read are the result of my own research regarding how super successful finance niche bloggers are making it.

As you can see, I have volunteered to take care of that tedious aspect of the journey for you.

All you need to do now is to take each financial blogging idea seriously and find your special way to quickly put it into action. This is how your finance niche blog will find its own voice and stand out from the crowd.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Decide on the Topic for Your Finance Niche Blog

Well, this is a no-brainer, right? Just remember that unless you want to start a mega site (which is entirely possible and can be a lucrative project if done right), you cannot blog about everything under finance and still stay focused.

The truth is you need some measure of focus to meet the needs of a particular audience and to achieve the best possible impact.

One good reason for this is that the finance niche is quite broad so you may suffer from burnout trying to be a Jack of all Trades.

And since you have come looking for the best sub-niches in finance, I can only presume that you already appreciate the importance of choosing just a single finance blog sub-niche or a  combination of a few.

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So go ahead and select the finance blog niche idea you are most comfortable with. Here are some questions to help you choose your ideal micro-niche in financial blogging.

What are your motivators?

Remember motivation matters in everything we do. And when it comes to blogging, you will need a ton of it to keep going in when the inevitable challenges we face as bloggers begin to show up.

In the absence of the right motivators, chances are that you will give up easily at the sign of the slightest discouragement in the early days of your blogging journey.

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For example, it is great if your inspiration is coming from a  deeply felt desire to serve a higher cause.

Let me explain.

Maybe you simply want to share your knowledge or expertise to benefit people in dire financial situations. In that case, you will wake up every day fired up to put a smile on the face of each person that comes to your blog looking for answers to a particular financial issue.

Which finance topics excite you most?

What do you love to talk or think about most as far as finance is concerned? Is it budgeting, saving money, investing, starting a business, self-employment, creating wealth, personal finance books, frugal living or cryptocurrency?

Where does your experience or expertise in finance lie?

Did you once work in the finance industry? Are you currently a banker, a personal finance expert or an investor?

Maybe you simply have had an amazing personal experience with saving on a low salary or getting out of debt.

Remember, some experience or expert knowledge about any of the sub-niches in finance you will choose is necessary for your success as a financial blogger.

How much financial content can you generate?

Can you see yourself creating content in this same finance micro niche in the next five to ten years or even beyond?

Your sustained interest in the finance sub-niche you have settled on is important. So also is the assurance that you will be able to generate additional finance topics to write about over a long period of time.

This might involve conducting time-consuming research in that area. Are you ready for that and even more?

Choose the Best Name Possible for Your Finance Blog

You do not need to stress yourself too much about the kind of name you want to give to your finance niche blog.

Though a blog’s name plays a major role in areas like SEO, Click Through Rate (CTR), Bounce Rate and the like, it does not mean you must waste too much time selecting a name for that blog.

Consider the below ideas to help you come up with a blog name that will add value to your finance website.

  • Make it simple. Avoid extremely lengthy words or combinations of words.
  • Let your finance niche blog name point to something about your focus micro niche.
  • Make it memorable. People must not struggle to remember your blog’s name the next time they want to return to your site.

Here is a quick look at some examples of finance niche blog names out there. I trust that they will provide you with some inspiration to choose the best name possible for your own website.

  • The Broke Millenial
  • Debt Busters
  • Mr Money Mustache
  • The Penny Matters
  • Making Sense of Cents
  • Budgets Are Sexy
  • Get Rich Slowly
  • Hello Money Tree

My Domain Name Ideas for Sub-Niches in Finance

Why not play around with these domain name examples I’ve been thinking about for sub-niches in finance? You don’t have to pay anything to me to use them. They are completely FREE.

It is possible that someone has already taken at least one of these. That’s how things stand today when it comes to looking for a domain name.

  • Wealth Momentum
  • Frugal Economista
  • My Baby Money
  • AdRev Blogger
  • Broke In the Past
  • Money Stories
  • Rich and Beautiful
  • Handsome Money Guy
  • Money Diva
  • Goodbye Debt
  • Best Financial Reads
  • Where Money Grows
  • One Man, One Dollar
  • Employable
  • The Crazy Investor
  • Small Time Living
  • No Budget No Luck
  • Credit Card Life

Check for the Availability of Sub-Niches in Finance Domain Names

There are free online tools for you to check the availability of your chosen blog name. These include Name.com, GoDaddy, Namecheap, Domain.com and Instant Domain Search.

And when you realize that yours is taken, do not despair. Go for any of the available suggestions that pop up.

Otherwise, continue creating and testing your own until you arrive at what domain name is best and available.

A Good-Sounding Domain Name is Great

Finally, if possible, make it sound a bit funny or interesting; but not overly hilarious.

A domain name about getting out of debt could suggest to the reader that no matter how much they may be hurting right now, there is still a bright, sunny light at the end of the tunnel.

In this particular instance, you might want to draw some inspiration from debtbusters.co.za.

You can offer this spirit of hope and optimism to your readers by starting with an uplifting blog name.

Select Suitable Finance Niche Blog Categories

Are you a WordPress user? Then there is an opportunity for you to categorize your blog posts.

One benefit of categories on a blog is that it makes life easier for website visitors to know where to go and find whatever they are searching for.

Depending on the sub-niches in finance your blog is about, the following finance category examples should give you an idea of how to effectively categorize the content of your finance niche blog.

You might as well display the selected finance niche categories on your primary menu or navigation menu.

  • Make Money
  • Invest Money
  • Passive Income
  • Brokers
  • Mortgages
  • Insurance
  • Small Business
  • Loans
  • Lending
  • Bookkeeping
  • Pay Off Debt
  • Spending
  • Meals
  • Budgeting 101
  • DIY
  • For Students
  • For Busy Moms
  • Shopping
  • Crypto
  • Retirement
  • Finance Books
  • Money Quotes
  • Apps
  • Courses
  • Tools
  • Platforms
  • Best Deals

Make Your Finance Niche Blog Stand Out

Beat the stiff competition in the finance niche by making your blog unique. There is so much competition here because many people believe that it is where the money is. And it is true.

In fact, there is competition everywhere in the blogosphere.

According to OptinMonster.com, there are some 70 million blog posts published every month on WordPress alone.

So you see, you need to carve a niche for yourself not just to stay in the game but to also stand the chance of making enough money to pay the bills at the very least.

I suggest you take these steps to help you to stay on top of the competition.

Choose your WordPress theme wisely.

Avoid choosing themes based on their fanciful look. Check the recommendations from other bloggers so that you can have a responsive WordPress theme that is mobile-friendly.

The Astra WordPress Theme is among the fastest and most popular ones out there. I personally use Astra Pro on most of my websites at the time of writing this article.

astra wordpress theme best

But not to worry, Astra is basically FREE to start with. And the free version is simply awesome.

Employ SEO best practices.

Write quality content. Publish in-depth reports that give helpful information and advice. Make sure to illustrate your ideas with verifiable data, attractive graphics and infographics.

Promote your finance niche blog on social media.

Make good use of Facebook groups and pages in your promotional efforts. But avoid trying to tackle too many social media platforms at the same time. Never must you forget the power of focus.

Pursue branding like nobody’s business.

Create a simple but powerful brand for your blog. Be consistent with your colours, fonts and underlying storytelling voice.

Have a logo and a site icon. Again, something simple is good enough. If you need a free or paid logo for your website, I will readily recommend Looka Logo Maker to you. Go check them out anytime.

Do a number of things differently.

Personally, I hate following the crowd just for the sake of it. Therefore, what I deem to be too popular (and which I can afford to tweak in a certain way and still get the needed results) I do without hesitation.

For example, you can decide to forget about branching into YouTube videos for the sake of marketing.

Most bloggers would readily recommend this approach on any day. But you need to be careful about spreading your time and resources too thin – at least at the early stages.

Your first priority must always be consistent content creation on your finance niche blog. In my estimation, content creation is the most important of all the tasks in a professional blogger’s life.

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Blog Post Title Examples for Sub-Niches in Finance

The below finance niche blog article examples will certainly inspire you to keep churning out as much content as you can. Some are actual finance niche blog titles on the web. Others are my own creations just to give you more inspiration.

  • 20 Money Lessons to Improve Your Money and Life
  • What if We Quit Setting Goals
  • How Much Is Enough
  • How to Achieve Financial Freedom in 5 Years
  • How to Navigate Difficult Money Situations
  • How to Live Below Your Means in a Tough Economy
  • How to Buy A Car Without a Loan
  • 10 Money Saving Tips for Low-Income Earners
  • How to Start Investing in Cryptocurrency
  • What You Must Not Do When You Are in Financial Trouble
  • Do These 5 Simple Things to Increase Your Income
  • 10 Online Businesses You Can Start With No Money
  • 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Taking a Car Insurance Policy
  • 12 Reasons to Stop Saving Your Money in a Bank                                                                               
  • Top 10 Do-It-Yourself Hacks to Cut On Expenses
  • Take These Simple 5 Steps Before Retirement
  • 20 Personal Finance Quotes to Inspire You
  • The Top 50 Books Rich People Read More than Once

We can go on and on. But I believe the above blog post titles for a typical finance niche blog would guide you to generate more for yourself.

Remember also that in all cases, you must include a power-packed keyword/keyphrase. Keywords are key to making sure that a blog post ranks high enough on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Take Steps to Monetize Your Finance Niche Blog

The sub-niches in finance are not that difficult to monetize. However, for a new financial blogger, you might not have the numbers in terms of traffic to have your blog accepted by most elite ad networks.

For example, you will need a minimum of 50,000 sessions (about 60,000 to 80,000 pageviews in Google Analytics) to be accepted by Mediavine.

AdThrive, also a high-paying display ad management company, will only accept your blog if you have a 100,000 monthly pageviews minimum on Google Analytics.

But there is still hope to start earning some display ad revenue with less than a thousand monthly visitors.

Yes, it is very possible. I personally have a blog that makes a decent ad income with less than 1,000 monthly visitors. The secret is Ezoic.

So what must you do? I have said a lot more about this topic in another post. But here all you need to know is this.

Join Ezoic For A Higher Ad Revenue

Apply to join Ezoic.

Though Adsense is arguably the most popular display ad network for most beginner bloggers, I will strongly recommend that you sign up with Ezoic as soon as your blog begins to see some traffic, no matter how little.


Ezoic has an entry point for beginner bloggers. The platform is called Ezoic Access Now. You will start from there and as your experience and traffic mass up, you will gradually be graduated into the elite group of high-traffic Ezoic publishers.

Another great thing about Ezoic is that as a publisher, it is possible for you to significantly increase your website ad revenue to more than 3x what you would be earning with Adsense. It all depends on your readiness to put in the necessary work.

And don’t forget. It is possible to start with Adsense and later move on to the much higher-paying Ezoic.

In fact, Ezoic is a Google Certified Publishing Partner. For that matter, you will not have any difficulty making the switchover.

But if you ask me I will say there is no need to leave money on the table. Just do it the Ezoic way right from the word go.


BTW. I am an affiliate of Ezoic and for that matter, I will earn a small commission if you follow my link to go and sign up with Ezoic.

This will encourage me to keep producing more helpful content for my visitors. Thank you.

You can try Monetag too.

It is not always easy to quickly get Adsense approval. This is not peculiar to only sub-niches in Finance. It cuts across.

And this is where Monetag formerly (known as PropellerAds) comes in. Just like Ezoic, PropellerAds does not discriminate against small-traffic bloggers or bloggers whose readers mostly come from lower-income countries like India, Ghana and Nigeria.

So if you are not comfortable with joining Adsense or Ezoic, I strongly suggest that you sign up to start earning with PropellerAds.

PropellerAds has one of the most competitive CPM rates on the market. So you will not be disappointed.

Use Multiple Strategies to Promote Your Finance Niche Blog

You can reach potential readers by sharing your blog articles on social media.

Another way is to comment more on other finance-focus blogs.

Also, go on and provide informative answers to questions on Quora. Focus on questions that are related to the various sub-niches in finance.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are numerous sub-niches in finance blogging. For that matter, you will not have much trouble selecting the best sub-niche in finance for your new blog.

Make sure to seriously consider the additional tips on financial blogging I’ve been sharing with you.

And as soon as you start making the dollars with either Ezoic or PropellerAds (or even Adsense) send me a message so I can congratulate you on your achievement.

There is a piece of detailed information about PropellerAds here at BloggingtotheMax.

Finally, you might want to learn the beginner blog writing lessons I share on this blog about my personal experiences from the time I started blogging up till now.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching and best bloggers life choices. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream and a fulfilling life as a digital entrepreneur.

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