What is the Best Blog Post Length for SEO?

The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all best blog post length for SEO. Let me explain. Multiple factors influence how the length of a particular blog post can help boost the blogger’s search engine optimization (SEO) outcomes.

Bear in mind the below factors as you try to find an answer to the question of how many words should a blog post be for SEO?

  • The niche in question
  • Level of competition
  • Nature of search query
  • Search intent
  • Scope of the topic
  • Monetization goals

This is why writing to answer a specific search query while making sure that the article ranks well on the search engine result pages usually turns out to be a delicate balancing act.

And in most cases, the number of words in a blog post has very little to do with how well the writer’s SEO efforts pan out.

The Best Blog Post Length – My Personal Experience

I will now give you my own findings about questions regarding the best blog post length for SEO.

Hear me out.

Having been in the game of blogging for some years now, I am able to develop a way of writing that has very little to do with the sometimes complex and abnormally expensive technical stuff coming from some SEO experts and their overhyped keyword research tools.

This is why what I’m about to show you is based entirely on practical, on-page and off-page SEO experience rather than the recommendations from some rule-based SEO systems.

The funny thing is that it works for me – largely.

I have learnt somewhere that at the end of it all, Google is most interested in human writers producing natural content to meet the needs of breathing human beings.

Google is happy to rank content that is helpful to humans. Increasingly, search engines are losing interest in what I may call, ‘mechanized SEO’ content.

So you see, if someone tells you there is a certain ideal blog post length that is best for SEO, be careful what you choose to believe.

Let’s now have my findings.

Focus less on blog post length.

And pay more attention to useful quality content.

Search engines place little premium, if any at all, on a blog post’s length. If this weren’t so, you wouldn’t see some 100-word posts ranking #1 on Google’s first pages.

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Lesser-known micro-niches are helpful.

In certain micro-niches that attract relatively fewer bloggers, you don’t need a 6000-word long blog post to rank high.

Be mindful of whom you choose to compete with.

In most cases, your very short blog post won’t see the light of day, so to speak, if your fellow competitors are blogging greats like WPBeginner, Neil Patel and ShoutMeLoud.

Here is a simple explanation for this. This could be a mature niche with mature bloggers slugging it out among themselves.

True, it is heroic for a beginner blogger to be a small fish in a big pond. But that is where it ends.

You will make life difficult for yourself in a highly competitive niche unless you can write in-depth blog posts with tweaks that beat the experts at their own game.

Answer the questions.

And stop beating about the bush.

The way a blog post provides direct answers to search queries can sometimes make a huge difference.

If done right, the writer’s style of answering specific questions can make nonsense of the whole idea of the ideal blog post length.

Approach each blog post differently.

Finally, even on the same blog, there should never be anything like the best blog post length for SEO. Because each blog article is unique in some way.

Personally, I have top-performing posts that are less than 1000 words long.

Still, on the same website, some of my short articles fail to do well SEO-wise. The magic begins to happen as soon as I edit and add more useful information to them.

Which recommendation should you follow?

Don’t follow any if they are all giving you nothing apart from specific word counts for a blog post. The fact that it works for them is no guarantee that it will do likewise for you.

One reason behind most beginner bloggers quitting too early is the frustrating results they get from paying for and following the recommendations of one blogging guru or the other.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not saying you should ignore the invaluable pieces of advice you will get from experienced bloggers whose success stories you want to emulate. All I’m saying is to be careful what you pick up during your searches.

And note the following.

Much of the recommendations about the ideal blog article length come from people who, given their unique circumstances, have succeeded with a certain blog post length for their blogs.

My point here is this. That should never have been the gold standard for other bloggers to strictly follow.

If the guy telling you to churn out 8000-word blog posts in order to do well with SEO is in a different niche than yours, watch carefully before you jump for joy.

The reverse is equally true for microbloggers who tell everybody else that their path is the way to go.

Unless you are lucky to find a niche where the prevailing conditions can turn 50-word blog posts into SEO-busters, do not try it.

You might not even exist in the eyes of Google let alone make it to the bottom of the 200th page on the SERPs.

My Recommendations for Choosing the Best Blog Post Length

That said, I have my recommendations for you on how many words your blog post should have for SEO.

Here are a few suggestions I would urge you to consider as you try to write your ideal blog post for SEO.

  • Avoid putting yourself in a straight jacket. There is no one-size-fits-all ideal blog post length for SEO.
  • Let the scope of your best answer for each search query determine the length of each blog post you write. You will see that your best answers will rank well regardless of whether they are short or very long.
  • Keep your readers’ needs in mind. Never must you keep adding fluff or cutting out critical information in your post just because someone says the best blog post length is this or that.
  • If you can, avoid tackling blog topics that have already attracted too many bloggers.

This is good advice, especially where most of your potential competitors are seasoned content creators who have been around since only God knows when.

There is a smarter way to beat the competition if you still insist on making your mark in a highly competitive niche.

Here it is.

Find a much smaller sub-niche or micro-niche and produce content around underserved topics.

Here is an article to help you find the best sub-niches in the blogosphere.

  • Your monetization goals matter.

Personally, I keep finding something interesting in Ezoic’s Big Data Analytics about the ideal number of words my blog posts should have in order to bring in higher ad revenues: 1,500-2,500.

Clearly, these numbers affect SEO, traffic volume and click-through rate in some way. Hence their potential for ad revenue maximization.

Google Search Console can help you.

Finally, pay close attention to what Google Search Console is telling you in those reports.

Ezoic’s Niche IQ and Big Data Analytics are two other free tools that should help you publish blog posts with the best word count.

However, these free tools are available to only bloggers who have signed up with Ezoic.

In case you didn’t know, Ezoic is a high-earning display ads platform. You can join Ezoic on any day since there are no minimum pageview requirements.

We help other websites.

At BloggingtotheMax, we offer aprofessional blog writing service to support interested bloggers, small businesses and other website owners.

Are you looking for content writers to help you find an answer to how many words your blog post should have for SEO? You need not look any further.

Which blog post length must I choose?

You might be wondering which blog post length or word count is the right fit for your organization, small business website, or personal blog. Well, the answer is … it depends.

Such factors as the topic or blog niche in question and the nature of your business will play a part in deciding on the right blog post length for you.

But we cannot ignore your budget. Do not forget this, though. It is not advisable to sacrifice the best results for the sake of maintaining a small budget.

The bottom line is this. Publishing the right blog content is a smart investment strategy for any serious business owner.

If all other things are done right, you will reap the benefits tenfold or even more.                                           

Long-form is great! But don’t rule out short-form content either.

In a good number of cases, long-form blog content is much more desirable than very short ones.

However, there are instances where very short blog posts have outperformed the so-called mega post.

So the choice is yours.

Last Words

Just remember this. At the end of the day, our duty as a blog content writing service provider is to make sure whatever type of content you request from us is optimized as much as possible to get you the desired results.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream.

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