How to Use Blog Posts to Promote Affiliate Products

One of the most common methods available to us bloggers hoping to generate revenue is to promote affiliate products on our sites.

Affiliate marketing was what I was presented with first when I started searching for a way to monetize my first blog and its increasing traffic.

It is most probably going to be the first blog monetization tool that you too will implement.

That shows how popular affiliate marketing is within the blogging fraternity.

So you have decided to try it out and see what comes up. That’s a good decision, no doubt. After all, many are online entrepreneurs who are making mouth-watering income figures via affiliate marketing.

Just for you to come anywhere close to the fantastic affiliate marketing income reports you may have already come across, you will need to get down to promoting the products inside your content.

Then you must also learn the most effective methods to apply to recommend affiliate products in your blog posts.

I’ve written this guide to assist you in choosing the right types of blog posts to promote affiliate products on your website. They are the kind of blog posts that will increase your chances of maximizing your affiliate marketing revenue.

Are you ready to discover the best forms of content inside which you should be adding your affiliate product links for excellent revenue results?

Right then, come along with me.

1. Product Reviews

In this post type, you are going to be writing about the pros and cons of one or more products.

The most popular form of this approach is the Product A vs Product B post.

Here is an example of a heading for the product review post.

Siteground vs Hostinger vs Go Daddy: Which Is Best for Your WordPress Site?

If you are one who goes looking for information regarding Web Hosting Service providers, you will not fail to come across this type of blog post.

The typical post in this category is one that compares and contrasts such Web Hosting Companies as Bluehost and Siteground, Hostgator and Go Daddy, A2 Hosting and Dreamhost and so on and so forth.

These are very good examples of product review posts that many established bloggers doing affiliate marketing use.

My point here is simply this. Product review posts can help you to rake in your desired blog revenue. You only need to choose your affiliate marketing products wisely and then compare them with other products that serve the same purpose for consumers.

Is your blog topic about WordPress and blogging? Why don’t you consider promoting a plugin or two?

Find out if the people behind the awesome theme you’ve been using have an affiliate programme so you can join and begin to promote the product for some cash.

Remember that whatever your niche, there are suitable affiliate products in there that you can start reviewing after your blog has been accepted to do so.

2. List Posts

A typical example of a list post goes like this:

27 Best WordPress Magazine Themes of 2020 (FREE + PAID)

You can choose your preferred products in your industry to promote this way. Only be sure to provide your readers with the right affiliate links, so they can easily land on the sales pages of the products you are promoting.

3. How-To Posts

These are mostly in-depth, educative posts on the most efficient methods for performing a specific task. The writer takes time to patiently guide readers through the steps needed to accomplish a goal.

So where does the affiliate product come in here? Well, we use tools or products to execute actions, right? Therefore, you will simply provide links for any recommended product you have mentioned in your how-to post.

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Take this scenario for instance. You want to recommend a certain powerful online course to your fans.

Let’s assume that the online course is about email marketing. You can choose to create a blog post under the heading,

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Success.

Then as you give your tips regarding the most effective ways of implementing email marketing strategy on a website, for example, you will do well to cleverly add a couple of affiliate links connected to the recommended online course.

These could be in-text links or banner ad links. The choice is entirely yours to make.

This is how simple it is.

FYI. You may as well invite me to assist you if you think you need a bit of support to display affiliate links right inside your blog posts or elsewhere on your site.

4. Success Story Posts

Elsewhere, I refer to the fact that one helpful way to choose the kind of products you would like to use for your affiliate marketing efforts is to choose products you personally use and are happy with.

This still stands.

Now you may decide to tell an interesting story about how the product helped you or someone you know to successfully deal with a particular pain point.

Health products, apps or software, home appliances, a certain service provider, an educational product, etc, are just a few of the kinds of products that you can write such success stories about.

But remember this: while your motive is to project a positive image of the chosen product in the eyes of your readers, you do not overdo this. The average reader online is smart enough to know if they are being deceived.

So what should you be doing in your success story post for affiliate marketing?

Sound positive and upbeat about the efficacy of the product, sure. At the same time, however, make sure to remain modest in your praises.

Then give a hint or two about any side effects or downside you think may not be pleasing to some users.

That, surely, is a balanced, objective presentation. It is the one that would win the product more fans than you would have achieved if you took the over-praising route from start to finish.

5. Testimonial Posts

Take a look at this heading for a blog post.

What Mr A and Ms B Have to Say About the Amazing Benefits of Using Product X

This, clearly, is going to take the so-called social proof approach.

You will be doing a fantastic job here if you can get some legitimate, direct quotes from some popular thought leaders or influencers.

Imagine yourself promoting a financial product where you can come up with a testimonial post that mentions what Robert Kiyosaki or Warren Buffet has to say about its amazing benefits.

But even if you cannot get testimonies from people in the category of the Robert Kiyosakis of this world, you still can manage to arrange interviews with (or quote directly from the writings of) other influential personalities whose opinions you believe people in your target market respect and trust.

It is up to you to decide the best format your testimonial post must use.

One way is to create a numbered list of the personalities and their testimonies. Another is to write in normal paragraphs, citing one testimony after another.

In whatever you do, remember to add your affiliate product links appropriately.

So there you have it …

The above are my ideas and those of others I’ve been listening to of late in the matter of the kind of post format a blogger can adopt as part of their affiliate marketing strategy.

I would seriously urge you to try one or more of these in your effort to promote affiliate products on your blog. Because, I know, each one of them has the potential to increase your ROI as far as your online publishing business is concerned.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream.

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