Can I Start A Fitness Blog? 12 Things You Need

Yes, you can start a fitness blog at any time but to become a successful fitness blogger, you and your fitness blog must possess certain basic attributes that most ultra-successful fitness bloggers have in common.

Maybe you are itching to start a fitness blog business. But you are not too sure if you can succeed as a fitness blogger. This is why you’ve come here looking for answers, right?

In this post, I will share with you my findings about what the best fitness blogs and their owners have in common. I trust that these basic requirements for starting a fitness blog will help you decide for yourself if it is fitness niche blogging that is the best fit for you.

In any case, if you end up telling yourself that fitness blogging is not your thing, there are still other blogging niche ideas to implement. So there is no need to despair.

Is Fitness Blogging Right for Me

Since fitness blogging falls under the umbrella of Google’s Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) page quality rating criterion, it is important that only people who are truly capable of positively impacting the lives of website visitors and clients go into fitness niche blogging.

In other words, fitness is a delicate and sensitive matter. The content that shows up on the pages of a fitness blog can have a far-reaching effect on the health and finances of website visitors.

Therefore, you don’t want to do or say anything that will end up negatively affecting the lives and financial situation of your readers.

So how do you know if you’ve got what it takes to start a fitness blog?

Trust me, it is not enough to jump in and become a fitness blogger just because you heard somewhere that health and fitness are among the most profitable niches.

You definitely need way more than that.

See below the basic requirements you need to satisfy in order to start a fitness blog and go on to become a successful fitness niche blogger.

1. Get certified if you can.

That requires some form of training. If you are completely new to all matters relating to the fitness of the human body and mind, then you will need to undergo some sort of training in that area.

A certificate or diploma showing that you’ve successfully completed a fitness course is not a bad idea. It will help establish your authority and also boost your confidence level.

But remember this. Not all successful fitness bloggers have acquired PE certifications. For some, much of what they blog about is derived from lessons from their personal experiences and the willingness to keep learning privately about their chosen field.

2. Hard Work and Self-Discipline

You need to be hardworking and self-disciplined. Fitness sub-niches like Yoga, Mindfulness and Extreme Sports demand a lot of self-discipline.

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3. Intrinsic Motivation Matters

What drives you to start a fitness blog? Is it the lure of the money that you have heard is easy to get in the fitness niche? Well, this kind of motivation is external and is not good enough.

To be able to start a fitness blog and keep going in the face of the initial challenges that are bound to come your way, you need an inner drive.

Something inside you, depending on who you are and what you’ve been through, must be the force that gives you the energy to go out there and make a difference in the lives of people who need your guidance.

4. A Passion for Fitness

Make sure you’ve got the unstoppable passion for anything fitness. The mere fact that you’ve got the internal motivation to go on a mission to positively affect the lives of people looking for help is not enough for you to start a fitness blog.

My point is there may be other means, other than fitness blogging, to achieve your dream.

It could be that you would do better if you chose a different niche where your true passions live. This might be in the entertainment niche or the education niche.

5. Are You A Health Professional?

Some health professionals such as nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, clinical psychologists, pharmacists and retired medical doctors have moved on to become successful fitness bloggers.

So if you have this professional background, the probability that your fitness blog will benefit immensely from your qualification and years of experience is pretty high.

With that being said, being a health professional is not a compulsory requirement for starting a fitness blog.

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6. Can You Show Your Unique Offering

It is best to have the ability to identify what makes you different or special. Because you only need one reason that will convince a group of people to trust in your ability to help them achieve their personal fitness goals.

7. Lifelong Learner

As a fitness blogger, you need to embrace lifelong learning. Copying from, or blindly imitating other successful fitness niche bloggers you admire or envy will not take your own fitness blog business far.

8. Do you Love to Help Others in Need?

You need to love helping other people achieve their personal goals. There is no room for self-centeredness in the fitness blogging industry.

A spirit of empathy and the willingness to sacrifice your time and personal comforts just to put a smile on the face of your clients will put your fitness blog ahead of the competition.

9. Ability to Carve a Niche for Yourself.

You see, the fitness space is crowded. Almost everyone wants to become a fitness coach or personal trainer.

This is why it is necessary to focus on a specific fitness sub-niche that has not yet attracted too many fitness bloggers.

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10. Patience and Perseverance

Patience to work slowly, build and establish yourself in the fitness niche market is an inner quality you must grow and nurture.

The reason is this. Like every other undertaking, your fitness blog is going to take time to start bringing the results you cherish.

And to be honest with you, the waiting time can be painfully long. It takes a lot of hard work and effort for any normal blog to attract a decent amount of organic traffic and start making an income from the monetization strategy they have implemented.

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But here is the sweet part of it. The more patient and persistent you are, the nearer the desired volume of website traffic comes. Then, as if like magic, your blog monetization efforts will begin to bear fruit.

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11. A Real-Life Personal Story to Share.

Maybe you are an army veteran who has managed to overcome a serious injury or other health problem. You can be a new mom who successfully recovered from a serious pregnancy-related health issue. Are you a former athlete who overcame an injury and went on to chalk success in a sporting field?

Your unique personal story is a gold mine waiting to add unimaginable value to your fitness niche website.

12. Creativity

The truth is most of the traditional and most popular sub-niches in fitness are overcrowded with thousands, if not millions, of health and fitness blogs.

The future, therefore, belongs to those who can use their creative talent to carve unique niches out of a combination of the traditional fitness sub-niches.

For example, can you just focus on Yoga Clothing? What of bestselling fitness books and authors? Online Stores for Fitness Enthusiasts is another potential money maker in the fitness blogging industry.

Wrapping It Up

I’m pretty sure that at this stage you are beginning to decide whether you can start a fitness blog or not. Remember that most of the attributes that one needs to start a fitness niche blog and make it a profitable venture can be learned and nurtured over time. So if you have the right motivation and passion for all things fitness, do not hesitate to start your dream fitness blog today.

Otherwise, you might as well consider starting a personal finance blog, a technology blog, an educational blog, a relationship blog or any other niche blog that fits you best.

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BttM (Blogging to the Max), is all about enabling beginner bloggers to turn their passions into profitable niche blogs. The platform provides insightful tips, strategies, and resources to help aspiring bloggers maximize their potential through effective niching and best bloggers life choices. You can rely on BttM’s practical advice to create, grow, and monetize your blog for an additional income stream and a fulfilling life as a digital entrepreneur.

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